FBI, Coast Guard And Hazmat Teams Deployed In Search For Radioactive Dirty Bomb

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This same  scenario played out in 2006 which I was part of in Texas City Texas. That info is below this story.

Emergency service units responded to the threat of a radioactive dirty bomb in Charleston, South Carolina Wednesday night

Mac Slavo SHTFplan.comEmergency service units responded to the threat of a radioactive dirty bomb in Charleston, South Carolina Wednesday night.

The U.S. Coast Guard, Federal Bureau Of Investigation, local police and Hazardous Materials teams are reportedly searching for an explosive device possibly containing radioactive material that may have been smuggled onto the Maersk Memphis, a container ship currently moored at Charleston’s Wando terminal.

Officials with the Coast Guard say federal and state authorities are continuing to investigate a potential threat which was reported at the Wando Terminal Wednesday night.

Coast Guard officials say the FBI is investigating a report of a “dirty bomb” aboard a vessel.

A dirty bomb is composed of conventional explosives and radioactive material.

According to emergency officials, no radiation has been found at this time.  See the rest here.

Nuclear attack warning story dismissed in Texas City TX.

This article below has half truths in it. I, Jon Watkins, am the one who went to the Texas City police three days before the Galveston Daily News printed the following story. The police rejected the info I presented to them. I also gave them the info that was given to Tom Horn about the Military searching for Nukes that had come across the southern border. I contacted T.J. Aulds myself, gave him the same information I gave to the police department and direct Cell numbers to Greg Szymanski and Eric May. They were WAITING for T.J. Aulds to call them and he never did.

The information was that a small Dirty Bomb or Nuclear Device was on a ship the was docked at the Texas City Terminal. After the article was written, it came to light that weapons of mass destruction drills were taking place DIRECTLY across the bay from the Texas City Terminal on Galveston Island. A distance as the crow flies of about 10 miles. Just enough safe space to witness a detonation in my opinion!

I knew nothing nor did the majority of the public about these “weapons of mass destruction drills” that just so happened to be taking place at the time of this warning. I truly believe this False Flag Event was thwarted as a result of the public being informed.

TJ Aulds Galveston Daily News Wednesday, February 1, 2006

If you are reading this you survived a predicted nuclear attack on Texas City.

Recent weeks have seen the city mentioned as the subject of rampant Internet and e-mail claims suggesting that emergency management officials were preparing for some form of attack.

Officials with several agencies said those reports are false.

Shauna Dunlap a spokesman for the FBI said that there are ”no credible or corroborated threats to the area.”

That attack was to have taken place Tuesday based on those reports. A report filed on the Arctic Beacon Web site as well as the site owner’s Internet radio show had warned of a pending nuclear attack on the city — not from terrorists but the federal government.

Basing his information on a report from a man claiming to be a former U.S. Army intelligence officer show host Greg Szymanski reported that the area was likely the target for a government-led nuclear attack.

The report quickly made the rounds via e-mail and blog sites. Attempts to reach Szymanski to comment on his report were unsuccessful.

On Wednesday people driving along Galveston’s Seawall Boulevard could see unmarked black trucks and sport utility vehicles bearing government license plates near crews setting up what appeared to be satellite or radar gear on the beach.

The crews were wearing shirts embossed with the words ”Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team” a branch of the U.S. Defense Department.

It was enough to get even the most timid conspiracy theorist thinking something was up.

But local homeland security officials as well as the FBI said the Internet story and the arrival of the Weapons of Mass Destruction team are little more the coincidental training exercises that may have been blown out of proportion.

Bruce Clawson director of homeland security for Texas City said he was alerted to the online report and passed the information to the FBI. He said it was a routine measure.

”Based on what we know we are not aware that this (report) had any basis in fact” said Clawson. ”Anyone indicating anything other than training is seriously misinformed.”

Members of the Weapons of Mass Destruction team told The Daily News they were calibrating equipment for an upcoming drill.

Team members said they were participating in a series of seminars at the San Luis Hotel & Conference Center not far from where they had set up shop.

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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