The Great Despot Social Media gods have Spoken! Many have Dared to Touch the Golden Calf

I WILL NOT BOW TO BAAL!! or any of their other false gods! Bottom line first and you will see the meaning of this as you read on: What do we do Folks? Sit back and let the Tech Giants Steal our Freedom of Speech, our Peas if you will, or do we go to … Click here to Read more

Girl has Pants Pulled Down and Threatened with Rape for not Looking Muslim Enough

Paul Watson – A girl at a school in Sweden had her pants pulled down and was threatened with rape because she didn’t look “Muslim enough.” The girl has been awarded 2,000 euros in damages after being subjected to “gross harassment” by other students at the Johannes school in Malmo. The victim was bullied, called a slut … Click here to Read more

Muslims with Guns and Gas Bombs Storm a Catholic Church in Russia

An Official said the incident was under control in “just a few minutes”. He added: “Measures are being taken to identify the eliminated militants.  Two police officers and a churchgoer were killed as a result of Police response. Jihad Watch – The Islamic State recently called on Muslims in Russia to murder Christians “as a … Click here to Read more

Muslim Cleric who calls for the Killing of Jews and Gays speaks at Orlando Florida Middle School

Jihad Watch But there is nary a word about this in the Orlando papers. They’re much too busy tracking down and publicly shaming foes of jihad terror. “Sheik Who Called For Gays and Jews to Be Killed ‘Special Guest Speaker’ At Orlando Middle School,” by Laura Loomer, Dangerous, April 13, 2018 (thanks to Blazing Cat … Click here to Read more

Chrislam: Europe Folds to the Islamization of Christmas

Globalists erase Europe’s identity InfoWars – – The re-theologizing of Christmas is based on the false premise that the Jesus of the Bible is the Jesus (Isa) of the Koran. This religious fusion, sometimes referred to as “Chrislam,” is gaining ground in a West that has become biblically illiterate. This year’s Christmas season has … Click here to Read more

Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam

Louis Farrakhan: We Must Rise Up and Kill Those Who Kill Us; Stalk Them and Kill Them Is the nation of Islam and ISIS still in Ferguson, Missouri stirring the pot and recruiting his 10,000 fearless jihadists? Farrakhan Speech: ‘Jews Are My Enemy,’ ‘White Folks Are Going Down’ Louis Farrakhan rallies Crazed Muslims chanting ‘Allahu … Click here to Read more