New Class on how to Identify the Enemy: Tailored for Blind Leftist’s and RINO’s

NO, this is NOT Satire!

A new really simple short video has been produced to educate really stupid people on the dangers within a country. Said video is geared toward the likes of Communist Democratic Cult members like Harlot Hillary Clinton, Nasty Nancy Pelosi, Dirty Donna Brazile, Dirty Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Mad Maxine Waters, Krazy Kamala Harris, Crazy Chucky Schumer, and other mentally challenged retards on the left.

On the right we have Jackass John McCain, Loony Lindsey Graham, Pussy Paul Ryan. There are more that could be listed, but these are well known the Big Mouth Traitors who need a bit of schooling and reeducation!

This video would be of great help for the talking heads on cable and network news cults as well. They would benefit greatly in the identification of the enemy. During WW2, coast spotters had cards with drawings of friendly and enemy aircraft they could reference to help identify them so as not to cause a false alarm. It would also be of great benefit if TV stations were required to play this simple teaching for the Brain Washed Zombies several times a day. You know, like those annoying commercials that play over and over! That is how marketers gain the advantage over a competitors product. Produce an ad that is  really simple and stupid that appeals to simple minds so they can comprehend it, and thereby people buy the crap they are peddling!   It would have also been of great value if it was translated into various languages and played abroad, but alas, it is to late!

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Democrats Colluded with known Terrorist to Subvert the 2016 Election

DNC operative linked to Ukraine election interference worked with convicted bomber

The theme of Luciferian Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, which he dedicated to Lucifer, was to BLAME your opposition of the very thing you are guilty of, thereby gaining the upper hand and diverting attention from you! In other words, if you tell a lie often enough, it becomes truth to stupid brainwashed people! Just so happens Alinsky was a mentor of Hillary Clinton!

Lee Stranahan | -The DNC operative at the center of Ukraine election interference was working with Democrats and a convicted bomber after the election.

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Rodney Howard Browne: Republican Told Me of Plan to “Take Out” Trump

“You can read between the lines”

Update: What dose this scum know?

Maxine to Save Democrats from Trump: ‘We are organizing, And we are organizing to bring you down’

Gutierrez Unhinged: Time to ‘Eliminate’ ‘Criminal’ Trump–Bring Him to His Knees

Paul Joseph Watson | – An evangelical pastor claims he met with a senior Republican Congressman who told him of a plot to “remove Trump suddenly from office”.

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Communist Democratic Cult needs to be put on the Terror Watch List

Rush Limbaugh: Democratic Party ‘Has Become the Largest Hate Group in This Country’

Tuesday on his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh pointed out the mood of the Democratic Party, which he described as resentful and unhappy, and noted liberal comedians are “consumed by hatred.”

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Children Tramatized when Cops hold Mock Child Sex Trafficking Drill never saying It’s A Drill

Orange County, FL — The Florida Highway Patrol is reviewing its presence at the Girls State Program after troopers conducted a kidnapping/human trafficking drill which went “horribly wrong” according to WFTV News Channel 9.

The girl’s program is attended by some of best and brightest high-schoolers Florida has to offer. “Everyone who’s going is at the top of their class,” Cameron Carlyle said describing the high-quality candidates who attend the elite leadership camp. But no amount of education could have prepared the girls for what happened on the last night of their training.

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Terrorists at Huffington Post hide Article Pushing “Execution” of Trump and GOP Leadership

Shooter attempts massacre of Republicans days after Communist HuffPo piece

Dan Lyman | – The HuffPost has removed an article that called for President Donald Trump to be executed, along with all members of his administration and GOP leadership who are complicit in advancing his agenda centered around national security and economic prosperity.The now-deleted piece was published on June 11 – just days before domestic terrorist James Hodgkinson attempted to massacre dozens of GOP lawmakers during an early morning baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia.

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Louis Farrakhan rallies Crazed Muslims chanting ‘Allahu Akbar’ in Detroit Michigan

American Mirror – The Nation of Islam had its annual gathering in Detroit over the weekend and thousands of attendees chanted “Allahu Akbar” as Louis Farrakhan made his way onto the stage. During his appearance at Joe Louis Arena, Farrakhan denounced Jews and told them they are not God’s “chosen” people. “I want to disabuse … Click here to Read more

Traitorous Jezebel’s and Judas’

“It is the duty of every patriot to protect his country from its government” – Thomas Paine What we have in Government, in the Educational System, in Hellywood, in the Fake News Outlets, are a multitude of Ahab’s, Jezebel’s…….., the Traitorous Bitches and Bastards! And those Ahab’s and Jezebel’s are even  some YOUR own Family … Click here to Read more

Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam

Louis Farrakhan: We Must Rise Up and Kill Those Who Kill Us; Stalk Them and Kill Them Is the nation of Islam and ISIS still in Ferguson, Missouri stirring the pot and recruiting his 10,000 fearless jihadists? Farrakhan Speech: ‘Jews Are My Enemy,’ ‘White Folks Are Going Down’ Louis Farrakhan rallies Crazed Muslims chanting ‘Allahu … Click here to Read more