Antifa Girls DO NOT get Prettier at Closing Time!

Remember the song the Girls all get Prettier at Closing Time by Mickey Gilley? Back it my drunkard days that was true, but IF I was still a drunkard these days,  it would take an extra bottle of  beer and a mighty thick paper bag! Breitbart News – Several protesters in Portland have been arrested … Click here to Read more

The Ford Foundation that is Actively Funding Black Lives Matter and Antifa Terrorism across America

Organization funding BLM, Antifa terrorism linked to Biden campaign Ethan Huff – George Soros often gets the blame for funding much of the agitation in our country that leads to chaos, looting and rioting for “social justice.” But two other individuals who also deserve blame are Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, both of whom are … Click here to Read more

Mail-In Ballots WILL Mysteriously be Found that WILL Declare Joe and the Hoe Winners

New Narrative Being Pushed: Trump Will Lead Big On Election Night, But Biden Will Eventually Win Because Of Mail-In Ballots Michael Snyder – We are not going to know the winner of the presidential election on the night of November 3rd.  Sadly, we almost certainly won’t know the winner the next day either.  In fact, … Click here to Read more

Communist Cuomo’s Nursing Home Debacle

Mark Levin Exposes NY Cover-Up Of Gov Cuomo’s Controversial Nursing Home Order State website deletes order forcing COVID-positive citizens into nursing homes Kelen McBreen |Info Wars – BlazeTV host Mark Levin breaks down how New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) totally botched his state’s coronavirus response when it comes to some of the most vulnerable … Click here to Read more

Nigel Farage Warning: Dark Art Operatives Trying to Steal Election From Trump

Mail-in ballots could be abused to “reverse” election results, Farage says Kit Daniels | Info Wars – “Dark art operatives” working for Democrats want to steal the 2020 presidential election by abusing mail-in ballots, Nigel Farage warned. Farage’s warning comes as a pro-Biden firm stated frankly that President Trump would win in a landslide on … Click here to Read more

The Democrats, Joe and the Hoe ARE ANTIFA!

Just click on the link if you don’t believe it!!! It REDIRECTS to Biden’s campaign website!! Judi McLeod and Kelly O’Connell | Canada Free Press – Joe Biden & the DNC have not simply co-opted a political advocacy group, but they have RATIFIED ANTIFA’S VIOLENCE AGAINST AMERICAN CITIZENS Thanks to a major exposé of the … Click here to Read more

Dr Anthony Fauci has been Mass Murdering for Decades and Needs to Go to Prison

New study finds countries with early access to hydroxychloroquine reduced mortality rate by 79% Info Wars – A new international study found that countries which had early access to the drug hydroxychloroquine had a 79% lower mortality rate than countries that banned the use of the safe malaria drug. As The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft … Click here to Read more

The Communist Party an Enemy of Humanity: Chinese Dissident Slams CCP During RNC Speech

‘It is terrorizing its own people, and it is threatening the well-being of the world’ The Communist Party is not just in China. It IS ALIVE and well here in America. It is disguised as the Democrat Party, and Democrats ARE Enemies of God, America and the whole World for that matter! The DNC Cesspool … Click here to Read more

President Trump: KING of the JACK-ASSES and RINO’s

Keep Your Jackass and Rino, We have a Lion defending America Tina Garrison – The Washington establishment has failed us. They cared more about looking good in Paris, France than looking good in Paris, Texas. For too many decades American citizens suffered as  the Washington elite became richer and more condescending to we, the people. … Click here to Read more

Crooked Hillary Clinton: Biden Should Not Concede Under Any Circumstances

The Communist Democrats preparing to contest election no matter what! Crooked Hillary and her fellow gaggle of Witches are stirring the Cauldron! Kelen McBreen | News Wars – Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sat down for a virtual interview with her former aide Jennifer Palmieri on Monday to discuss the 2020 election. In a … Click here to Read more

Fox News IS A Toxic Tonic

Many of you are Lapping up the Poison Elixir of Faux News, like a Dog or Cat will Lap up Anti-Freeze. It is sweet to the taste, but it is KILLING YOU  and America!!! FAUX News is as much an Enemy of America as CNN, MSDNC, and the other Fake News Outlets, with the exception … Click here to Read more