The Communist Democrat Election Fraud Shell Game

Don’t let the Filthy BASTARDS steal it. GO to the polls in such overwhelming numbers it will make them SOB like Babies when they HAVE TO SAY  President Trump is Re-Elected! Establishment desperate to push mail-in voting on American people Jon Bowne – The Democrats dragged the House in on a Saturday to debate and … Click here to Read more

73 Deep State Traitors Endorse the Communist Point Puppet Joe Biden and the Kept Woman

Trump Derangement Disease hits a Fever Pitch Hey Ass Clowns who post and use this article by News week. These Treasonous Traitors are NOT Republicans. They are R.I.N.O’s, Republican In Name Only pieces of trash. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing are, and always have been filthy Communist Democrat Trash! They are just like people … Click here to Read more

What is Sarah Palin so worked up about? She SHOULD Call a Spade a Spade!

The Fake News Twists words to their liking so it does not matter. Tell the Truth and let the leaves fall where they may! Galatians 4:16 “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”  Sarah Palin Blasts ‘Lying Scum Media’ for Falsely Accusing Her of Saying Kamala Harris ‘Prostituted’ Herself Former … Click here to Read more

RED ALERT: Air to Air Missile Discovered at Florida Airport near Tampa!

Live guided air-to-air missile discovered at Florida airport near Tampa; markings indicate a Matra R530F radar-guided missile that could bring down Air Force One Natural News A live air-to-air, radar-guided missile was just discovered at the Lakeland Linder Airport in Florida, East of Tampa, and the airport was ordered to evacuate. We have analyzed the … Click here to Read more

Traitors have Outed Themselves!

The Traitors have outed themselves! You can bet if the Traitor John McCain was alive he would be the key note speaker at the DNC! His fake blonde Jezebel Hussy is carrying his water bucket! P.O.S. Colin Powell is another Swamp Traitor! Colin Powell Says Biden As President Will ‘Restore America’s Leadership’ Go Burn off … Click here to Read more

The Demonic DNC: A House Divided!

Matthew 12:25-26 “And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: 26 And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?” You ARE seeing Satan battling himself. … Click here to Read more

Ex-CIA Officer Arrested: Spying for China!

Former CIA Officer Arrested and Charged with Espionage DOJ – Alexander Yuk Ching Ma, 67, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer, was arrested on Aug. 14, 2020, on a charge that he conspired with a relative of his who also was a former CIA officer to communicate classified information up to the Top Secret … Click here to Read more

The Censorship Dam Is Breaking

The Censorship Dam Is Breaking! More Doctors Speak Out The establishment cannot stop the flood of truth about to hit them Infowars presents another powerful montage of America’s Frontline Doctors speaking out against Big Tech censorship and the massive coronavirus cover-up. This time, Dr. Lisa Koche, MD is speaking out about COVID-19, internet censorship … Click here to Read more

One of the Wicked Witch’s of the West Dirty Dianne Feinstein Loves the Chi-Comm’s

Feinstein Says China Is ‘Growing Into a Respectable Nation’ As it Continues Persecuting Christians, Muslims Remember Dirty Dianne employed a Chinese Spy as a driver for two decades. Jezebel and her husband made Millions as a result! Faith Wire – Despite China’s ever-expanding persecution of Christians and Muslims, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said Thursday the … Click here to Read more

The United Nations is Running Antifa – The Anarchists!

UN begins actively undermining Trump administration’s efforts to bring law and order to American cities by authorizing “support” for anarchists JD Heyes | Natural News – No doubt the headline sounds like a massive conspiracy theory of the tinfoil hat kind, but if we had not seen the reports ourselves and the documentation, we wouldn’t … Click here to Read more

RED ALERT: Full Attack Mode Needed Against the Communist Traitor Democrats

Roger Stone Issues New Emergency Message To Trump President Trump must not back down, but needs to go into full attack mode! Roger Stone joins The Alex Jones Show to issue a new emergency message to President Trump about going on the offensive to save his reelection.