Austin City Council Lunatic wants to Blow Up the Police Station to Appease Black Lives Matter and Antifa

Austin City Council Officially Calls for Blowing Up Police Station As Symbol of Ending Police Hate Soros-funded Marxist program marches forward, new city attorney funded by Adan Salazar | Info Wars – A radical new budget proposal by the Austin, Texas, City Council calls for a controlled demolition of the police department’s current headquarters in … Click here to Read more

Civil War IS Coming in November 2020

We are seeing the prelude, the skirmishes if you will!! They want war, they got it. Sharpen your K-bars, sight them in real good and make sure you get more than your bag limit!!! The Deep State Democrats accuse Trump of planning a Civil War to retain power after his projected defeat in the upcoming … Click here to Read more

Bill Gates Confronted About Widespread Vaccine Side Effects

At least 80% of trial subjects reportedly suffering side effects Patrick Howley | National File – Vaccine oligarch Bill Gates expressed apathy in a CBS interview about the fact that his Moderna Coronavirus vaccine, which National Institutes of Health (NIH) has a financial stake in, is testing horribly in vaccine trials, with at least 80 … Click here to Read more

Elite Privilege: Hypocrites Extraordinaire!

I just could not resist putting in my 2 cents after this great cartoon and commentary by Tina Garrison Do as We say, Not as we do Tina Garrison – Elite Privilege. You are the “little brains” that the elite need to control and look after and make sure we lead the lives they have … Click here to Read more

The Communist Democrats have Activated Antifa Terror Cells

I always thought it would be the Muslim Sleeper cells, but the Communist Terrorist Democrat party has tapped into—and allied with—the Communist Antifa Terror Cells!  Nikita Khrushchev – “We will take America without firing a shot…….We will BURY YOU! We can’t expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist … Click here to Read more

Comrade Bill de Blasio’s False Facade

Mayor de Blasio Signs Police Reform Bills, Says Emptying Prisons Made NYC Safer Than Ever “You can feel the change coming!” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio told a crowd gathered Wednesday afternoon, before a Black Lives Matter street mural in the Bronx, to celebrate the signing of legislation dubbed the NYPD Accountability Package, … Click here to Read more

Washington D.C. Mayor Bowser Partners With Chinese Communist Party Group

Grants Access To Top Federal Building Democrat leader collaborating with foreign enemy to indoctrinate America’s children  Info Wars – Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser has partnered with Chinese Communist Party-linked “education” programs since 2019, according to an annual report. The report from the Chinese communist-run Confucius Institute U.S. Center (CIUSC) credited both Bowser’s office and … Click here to Read more

Communist Democrat Bill Clinton Pardoned a TERRORIST and now she Helping Fund Racist Group Black Lives Matter

Psalms 2:1 “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?” Get you a good look at the Terrorist Traitor Susan Rosenberg. She along with many others help raise money for Black Lives Matter which is then funneled into the DNC! Convicted Terrorist Pardoned by Clinton Runs BLM Fundraising Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz … Click here to Read more

Communist China is Supplying Weapons to Black Lives Matter

I would bet that the Mac Daddy Muslim Barack Hussein Obama and Fast and Furious gun runner Eric Holder are involved—As are all of the filthy Communist Terrorist Democrat Traitors! There are Scum Bag RINO’s in the mix as well! US authorities uncover massive, nationwide weapons trafficking ring run by communist China to arm Black … Click here to Read more

Trump: Our Children Are Taught in School to Hate Their Own Country

Democrats Are Using America’s Younger Generations Like Hitler Did His Nazi Youth From his speech at Mt. Rushmore on July 3, 2020 “The violent mayhem we have seen in the streets and cities — that are run by liberal Democrats in every case — is the predictable result of years extreme indoctrination and bias in … Click here to Read more