Communist Lives Matter? NOT

Learn the truth about BLM Jon Bowne | Info Wars – It’s not even a well-kept secret anymore – Black Lives Matter, the organization funded by George Soros, has revealed its demands and they are nothing short of full-blown Communism. Why should Americans of any biological makeup continue to give these enemies of freedom the … Click here to Read more

CNN the Democrat Communist Chinese Activist Race-Baiters are Fueling the Fire

CNN Compiles List of “Unforgivable” Statues & Place Names, Suggesting They Should be Changed or Removed Inciting the mob to target more American monuments. Paul Watson | Prison Planet – CNN has compiled a list of “unforgivable” statues and place names, leading some to accuse the network of inciting the mob to tear them down. … Click here to Read more

World Trade Center Building Number 7 NOT Destroyed by Fires on 9/11

200 TV Stations to Air Documentary on Study That Concluded WTC 7 NOT Destroyed by Fires on 9/11   Baxter Dmitry | News Punch – 200 PBS affiliate stations across the country will start airing a mini-documentary about the explosive findings of the recently completed University of Alaska Fairbanks study on the destruction of World Trade … Click here to Read more

Democrats Prove Their Insanity By Continually Electing The Same Group Of  Criminals

 They have Transformed Their Cities Into Crime-Ridden, Disease-Infested Wastelands! – And Meanwhile, Over 1200 Medical Professionals ‘Cut Their Own Throats’ By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die If the definition of the word ‘insanity’ really is ‘doing the same thing over and over and over again, but expecting different results’, … Click here to Read more

Soros And The Secret Origins Of Black Lives Matter Exposed

Globalists pushing American into a manufactured race war Host of Infowars’ American Countdown, Robert Barnes, reveals the true origins of the radical Black Lives Matter movement. Why does George Soros fund the group and what else does he put his money into? Rapper and activist Lord Jamar also touched on Soros’ involvement in BLM in … Click here to Read more

Communist Rag New York Times is a Kingdom Divided!

Matthew 15:14 “Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.” Be it known that the New York Times is Staffed with God hating Atheists, Satanists, Witches, Radical Feminists, Homosexuals, Lesbian, Abortion lovers, Pedophiles and Tranny’s! They ARE a Cesspool of … Click here to Read more

WARNING to Rioters and Thieves: I’m Highly Recommending Residents Shoot You Dead!

Sheriff Warns Rioters Planning To Raid Neighborhoods: ‘I’m Highly Recommending’ Residents Shoot You Dead ‘People of Polk County like guns, they have guns, I encourage them to own guns – and they’re going to be in their homes tonight with their guns loaded’ Amen and Amen!! BTW Punks, you can have easy pickings if you … Click here to Read more

Antifa Finally Officially Exposed As A Terrorist Organization

With Leftists Busting Out The Guillotines & Antifa Finally Officially Exposed As A Terrorist Organization, Democrats Are Unleashing Their ‘New Great Terror’ Upon America     Stefan Stanford | All News Pipeline  –  With President Trump and the US government declaring they’ll name ‘antifa’ as a terrorist organization following outbreaks of mass leftist violence all across the … Click here to Read more

Rioters Burn Property of Homeless People in Austin

Mattress dragged into middle of the road during chaos.   Paul Joseph Watson | – Footage out of Austin, Texas shows rioters burning property belonging to homeless people on the street. One clip shows Antifa extremists dragging road signs, traffic cones and a mattress belonging to a homeless person into the middle of the … Click here to Read more

Mr. Attorney General Please Start with these Domestic Terrorists

He can start with these no good Communists. Start at the top and work your way down Mr. Barr! Like they say, “the fish rots from the head down”! Barr says feds will treat instigators of riots as domestic terrorists under federal law AG says violence ‘undercuts the urgent work that needs to be done … Click here to Read more

Evil Reigns Supreme Across America: George Soros Funded Antifa and Black Lives Matters Anarchists Wreak Havoc!

Make no mistake about it. These ARE the People who and being CONTROLLED by the Principalities, Powers, Rulers of Darkness and Spiritual Wickedness in High places WE CAN’T BREATHE: America Wakes To Stunning Carnage In Over 30 States As Tyranny And Anarchy Become Simultaneous For First Time In Our Nation’s History Police cars and government … Click here to Read more