CNN Hired Al-Qaeda Correspondent

Left-wing website exposes news network for paying correspondent to pal around with terrorists

Paul Joseph Watson | CNN is refusing to respond to claims that it hired a correspondent who worked and sympathized with Al-Qaeda jihadists in Syria.

Left-wing website Alternet documents how, “Star CNN correspondent Clarissa Ward worked with al-Qaeda “media man” Bilal Abdul Kareem to gain access to her “heroes on the ground.”

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Stupid as Shit American Voters

CNN Producer who called American Voters “Stupid as S**t” Claims he said Nothing Wrong. ……..  Did he?

I say no! Because most people ARE Stupid as Shit, and in some cases, it may be offending the SHIT!  Especially when it comes to the Communist Democratic Cult Lemmings. There are just as many Stupid RINO’s as well Communists, so quit your whining.

The problem is, people will not speak their mind in public for fear of reprisal. I am not one of those people.  It does come with a price though, as the Ass Clown CNN stooge has found out! It hurts your bank account and your social life! Friends, well supposed friends, and family distance themselves from you. I don’t really care, because truth is truth and facts are facts!

Say what you mean and mean what you say people! You are thinking it anyways and it will eventually come out! More then likely in a drunken tirade or by recording device as the Clowns in the Media and Abortion industry keep finding out!

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Here are your High Level Creatures from BOTH Ends of the Swamp!

Jared, Ivanka, Conway, Dina Powell Spotted at Hamptons Party with Soros, Schumer, Fake News Journos

Breitbart News – While most Americans were working and looking forward to hot dogs and fireworks on the Fourth of July some Hollywood celebs, media types and political operatives — including some in President Donald Trump’s inner circle — were partying at the tony Southhampton home of Washington Post owner/editor Lally Graham Weymouth this weekend.

According to Politico’s Playbook — which issued one correction on its piece about misidentifying the Koch brother who attended — a wide range of people were invited — and accepted the invitation — to Weymouth’s annual summer party, Politico Playbook reported on Sunday.

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CNN can’t report real news so they resort to Elmo’s “wonderful trip” to Refugee Camps

“Elmo thinks it’s important to know that everybody is the same deep down and that’s very important.”

It figures the Communist News Network would buddy up with Elmo because he was once a Homosexual, and CNN LOVES Homosexuals!

Three lawsuits alleging sex abuse by Kevin Clash, the puppeteer who gave Sesame Street’s Elmo his voice, were dismissed by a judge who ruled the accusers waited too long to sue.

Each accuser, all adult men, said they were courted and seduced by Clash when they were underage teenagers.

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ScapeGoat’s out at Fake News CNN while the Judas Goat takes over the rest of the Grazing Herd

There are STILL a lot of undesirables lurking the halls at the Communist News Network, CNN (see below). More of the same infest all of the major news outlets,  (who are CIA Spooks in my opinion), that need to be outed and sent on their way into the wilderness!  Expose these no good traitorous bastards as much as possible. The only way to make a cockroach flee is to shine the light on it!

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Terrorists at Huffington Post hide Article Pushing “Execution” of Trump and GOP Leadership

Shooter attempts massacre of Republicans days after Communist HuffPo piece

Dan Lyman | – The HuffPost has removed an article that called for President Donald Trump to be executed, along with all members of his administration and GOP leadership who are complicit in advancing his agenda centered around national security and economic prosperity.The now-deleted piece was published on June 11 – just days before domestic terrorist James Hodgkinson attempted to massacre dozens of GOP lawmakers during an early morning baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia.

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Traitorous Jezebel’s and Judas’

“It is the duty of every patriot to protect his country from its government” – Thomas Paine What we have in Government, in the Educational System, in Hellywood, in the Fake News Outlets, are a multitude of Ahab’s, Jezebel’s…….., the Traitorous Bitches and Bastards! And those Ahab’s and Jezebel’s are even  some YOUR own Family … Click here to Read more

Woman and the Snake

Trump reads The Snake Lyrics Al Wilson sings The Snake Songwriters: Milan Pilar The Snake lyrics © EMI Music Publishing On her way to work one morning Down the path along side the lake A tender hearted woman saw a poor half frozen snake His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew … Click here to Read more