These are just SOME of the ENEMIES of America and they MUST BE OUSTED…NOW!!

America and Islam cannot Co-Exist: The story of the Scorpion and the Frog Prelude to article: Regarding Ishmael (Father of all Arabs/Muslims): Genesis 16:12 “And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.” … Click here to Read more

Ilhan Omar’s Brother is a Homosexual and Probably a Pedophile also

Pedophilia is A-OK in Islam Ilhan Omar’s Brother is GAY, She Married Him Anyway DC Dirty Laundry – Do you know what they do to homosexuals in Muslim countries? Laura Loomer just put a whole new spin on the Ilhan-brother Marriage… Are you aware that there is actual proof that Ilhan Omar married, or at … Click here to Read more

Communist Google Executive: Infowars and Alex Jones Will Soon Be Unsearchable On YouTube

Sen. Blumenthal had demanded to know why tech giant hasn’t censored 100% of videos related to Jones A Google executive claimed that Alex Jones and Infowars would soon be completely eradicated from its video platform YouTube. Speaking during a Senate hearing on Tuesday over its censorship practices, Google’s VP for Government Affairs & Public Policy … Click here to Read more

Ads in Foreign Countries by Soros, the UN and Globalists

Soros Running Ads In Central America Telling Migrants They Will Get Free Stuff In The USA “They say if we come to the United States we can find work,” one illegal confesses Illegal immigrants tell a local news reporter they came to the United States because they saw advertisements online, in newspapers and on TV … Click here to Read more

Wanted: Dead or Not Alive!

Jon Bowne | Info Wars – Antifa and even Joe Biden have expressed calls for violence against common sense, patriotism, and American decency. Meanwhile, social media sites continue their vague explanation as to why calls for the death of Infowars personalities have been permitted. Before its all said and done, we may witness a deadly … Click here to Read more

Blowhard Bill de Blasio to Protect Criminal Invaders at all Costs

New York City Mayor tells Illegal Invaders: We Will Do Everything to Protect You What about all of the other Criminals who are breaking the law? The Thieves, the Dope Pushers, the Pimps, the Prostitutes, the Mob Bosses? Are you going to protect them too Scum Bag? Yea, you will and do. But they will … Click here to Read more

I Am Antifa: Terrorist Who Firebombed ICE Facility

Said attack was motivated by his opposition to “concentration camps” Paul Watson | News Wars – The terrorist who firebombed an ICE facility in Washington State yesterday released a manifesto before the attack stating, “I am Antifa” and said the attack was motivated by his opposition to “concentration camps” in the U.S. 69-year-old Willem Van … Click here to Read more

Much better Women’s Soccer Team Photo

This photo looks much better now HUH?? MAGA!!!! The dirty Police State Bastards (Hebrews 12:8) at Face Book took down the photo that I posted of the Women’s Soccer Team with the America Hating, Purple haired, Lesbian blocked out! I have seen many like that with a notice that it is “unavailable” or that the … Click here to Read more

Fake News Communist wants Conservative Media to be Silenced

CNN Analyst Says Young People Need To Be “Trained” To “Do Away With” Conservative Media Steve Watson – A CNN analyst suggested Tuesday that young people should be ‘trained’ to think a certain way so that conservative media can be ‘done away with’. CNN host John Berman and analyst Errol Louis were discussing Tucker Carlson’s … Click here to Read more

Proof That the Clinton’s Are Tied to Epstein and Cartels

The Fix Is In – No Justice for the Victims Dave Hodges – Justice will not be done when it comes to obtaining retribution for the children sexually abused, with some being murdered in hunting games played out by the elite on Epstein’s so-called “Orgy Island”. We know and can prove that the Clinton Foundation … Click here to Read more

Ben Garrison Targeted by the Rabid God Hating Communists

The God hating, Vial Homosexuals at Media Matters, who are FUNDED by none other than Nazi Collaborator George Soros,  are more than likely the ones behind the push to get Ben Garrison dis-invited from a White House visit. Ben Garrison Dis-invited from White House Summit Over Soros Cartoon White House cows to triggered liberal outrage … Click here to Read more