The Epstein Pedophile Club Round Up Begins

Report: Epstein to Name Individuals Involved in Underage Sex in Return For 5 Year Maximum Sentence Flashback: Bill Clinton Flew On Epstein’s “Lolita Express” Private Jet At Least 26 Times Reporter: Vanity Fair Removed Mention of Young Girls In My 2002 Epstein Exposé Herd ’em up, move ’em out, lock ’em up Ben Garrison – … Click here to Read more

Jamaican/Indian Kamala Harris’ Plan and Penitence for Her Families Slavery Sins

So if you did not know, her Grand-Parents owned a Plantation and Slaves! And she wants all of YOU    to pay Reparations for the Sins of Her Fathers, She wants us all to buy all Black Folk a House!!! She is a Baptist Hindu? “She grew up going to both a black Baptist church … Click here to Read more

Let’s have that Dirt Jackal Joe!

I am sure they can add a bit of water and make it a mud pit. Then we can sit back and glean the details from the on going Clown show! Desperate Biden Warns Dem Rivals: I Got Dirt On All of You! – 2020 frontrunner considers going negative to boost sagging numbers Jamie White … Click here to Read more

Kamala Harris MUST Pay Reparations: She is the Grand-Daughter of Slave Owners

Matthew 23:24-27 “Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel. 25 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. 26 Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the … Click here to Read more

Android co-founder ran Sex Ring while working at Goggle

Ex-Google exec ‘ran sex ring and paid thousands to “own” women and “share” them with pals’ wife claims The Sun UK – A MILLIONAIRE former Google exec has been accused by his wife of running a sex ring and lavishing hundreds of thousands on mistresses that he allegedly “shared” with pals for threesomes. The sensational … Click here to Read more

Google is Full of Communist Snowflake Protesters

New Google RESIST Doc Shows “Internal Beginner’s Guide To Protesting,” “Resist@Google” Project Veritas has obtained a document from an insider at Google which appears to show internal suggestions of how to protest political events. Said Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe: “This document leak is the fourth in a series of leaks from inside Google and … Click here to Read more

Minnesota Muslims Hate the Pledge of Allegiance and America

Ilhan Omar’s District 5 Minnesota city council has voted unanimously to stop reciting the Pledge of Allegiance Photo: Jihad-Rep Ilhan Omar meets with city council and staff, June 06, 2019. Pam Geller – “In order to create a more welcoming environment to a diverse community, we are going to forgo saying the Pledge of Allegiance … Click here to Read more

Photographer of Fake News Photos Demands Removal of Images Showing Congresswoman Crying Over Nothing

Legal threat came after stunt was condemned as a misleading photo-op So she saw them with her own eyes huh?   She is rapidly becoming a leader of Fake News!!!     Paul Watson | Info Wars – The photographer who took the photos of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appearing to cry at a protest outside a … Click here to Read more

Democrats are going so Far Left they are in Danger of Falling Off the Flat Earther’s Planet 

The Communist Democrats and the Flat Earth Lunatics have Commonality!! One Chart Shows How Radical Socialism Has Taken Over The Democrat Party With Moderates Begging: “Dems, Please Do Not Drive Me Away”  By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine The question posted in the bottom half of the New York Post cover shown above, was … Click here to Read more

Ray Gano: I think Facebook Tagged Me as an Agent of Hate

Welcome to the Club Ray!!! Ray Gano – Just the other day I go the following message from one of my Facebook friends … “Wow, I went onto your fb page for the first time in a while and am now being blocked from even clicking Like on other’s posts. Tried to post a YouTube … Click here to Read more

Google: The Enemy of Humanity!

Democrats, Progressives, Liberals, Socialists, Communists, whatever label they chose—I call them what they are. They are Luciferians! Natural News As we witness the shocking depths of criminality and evil being carried out by Google and its censorship agenda, it’s crucial to remember that every Google employee is complicit in carrying out these crimes against humanity. … Click here to Read more