Ads in Foreign Countries by Soros, the UN and Globalists

Soros Running Ads In Central America Telling Migrants They Will Get Free Stuff In The USA “They say if we come to the United States we can find work,” one illegal confesses Illegal immigrants tell a local news reporter they came to the United States because they saw advertisements online, in newspapers and on TV … Click here to Read more

Blowhard Bill de Blasio to Protect Criminal Invaders at all Costs

New York City Mayor tells Illegal Invaders: We Will Do Everything to Protect You What about all of the other Criminals who are breaking the law? The Thieves, the Dope Pushers, the Pimps, the Prostitutes, the Mob Bosses? Are you going to protect them too Scum Bag? Yea, you will and do. But they will … Click here to Read more

I Am Antifa: Terrorist Who Firebombed ICE Facility

Said attack was motivated by his opposition to “concentration camps” Paul Watson | News Wars – The terrorist who firebombed an ICE facility in Washington State yesterday released a manifesto before the attack stating, “I am Antifa” and said the attack was motivated by his opposition to “concentration camps” in the U.S. 69-year-old Willem Van … Click here to Read more

Photographer of Fake News Photos Demands Removal of Images Showing Congresswoman Crying Over Nothing

Legal threat came after stunt was condemned as a misleading photo-op So she saw them with her own eyes huh?   She is rapidly becoming a leader of Fake News!!!     Paul Watson | Info Wars – The photographer who took the photos of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appearing to cry at a protest outside a … Click here to Read more

Illegals from India leave behind their Dead 7-year-old Girl in Arizona border mountains

Riddle me this Batman! If I have said it once I have said it a thousand times. HOW are people from  the Middle East, India, Africa, and virtually every other country getting in Mexico?? Victor Skinner | American Mirror – U.S. Border Patrol agents in Arizona recovered a dead 7-year-old girl from India in the … Click here to Read more

Female Democrat Lawmakers in New York State soon to Hit the Streets with Fellow Ladies of the Night

The title is worded that way because it is the only description I can deduce from them wanting to decriminalize prostitution. This is a result of the Whores, Harlots and Fornicators that descended on Albany New York in May 2019 I pondered for a bit trying to think of a logical reason to push for … Click here to Read more


FROM DHS AGENTON THE BORDER! The border is lost. There is no Border Control, were being invaded. Not just by our border now, but the border towns are teeming with immigrants that are not conforming to our way of life nor are they contributing to help our economy. We take them to the hospitals for … Click here to Read more

Hundreds of Illegals From Ebola-Ridden Congo Dumped in Texas, 350 More on The Way

Major threat ignored by mainstream media Kelen McBreen | – Hundreds of illegal aliens from the Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa, which is currently experiencing a massive Ebola virus outbreak, have been dropped off in San Antonio, Texas and hundreds more will arrive in the near future. A local news reporter looking for … Click here to Read more

Communist Democrat Governor who Pulled National Guard Troops from the Border now Demands Federal Help

“She declares there’s no crisis. She removes the National Guard, and now she’s there asking for money.” That is a typical Ass Clown Democrat for you! Border crisis so bad liberal politicians forced to address surge of Illegals Kelen McBreen | News Wars – New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) is asking the federal … Click here to Read more

Illegal Immigrant Arrested After 11-Year-Old Found Pregnant

‘I reported this three times, and the police didn’t do anything,’ says child’s mother Ryan Ledendecker | Conservative Tribune – If you tell a Democrat that the influx of illegal immigrants attempting to cross our southern border is a crisis, they’ll deny it. That’s mostly because President Donald Trump ran on the issue, and agreeing … Click here to Read more