These people have basically declared WAR on the U.S. Economy. That is an aggression against the United States, an Act of War against America. It is the ReConquista, Aztlan, Raza, MEChA! It is Jihad against the rule of Law!
They are Hostiles and should be dealt with as accordingly! Every Mexican Embassy needs to be shut down and the Ambassadors escorted to the border! Troops need to assist Law Enforcement to defend the land against these invaders. Round them ALL up and whoever protests, send them across the border too!
Group says it will urge compatriots targeted for extradition to fight in court; government allocates funds.
MEXICO CITY—Influential Mexicans are pushing an aggressive and perhaps risky strategy to fight a likely increase in deportations of their undocumented compatriots in the U.S.: jam U.S. immigration courts in hopes of causing the already overburdened system to break down.
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