Crazed Killer carried a KILL LIST of House Freedom Caucus Members in Pocket

Proof the Communist Democrat Cult Member attack was not random, but premeditated and selective Murder.

I wonder if he was Programmed and on Mind Altering Drugs as so many other wacko killers were?

WND – James T. Hodgkinson, the progressive  Communist Democrat Cult Member who shot and wounded five people Wednesday at a congressional baseball practice, carried with him a list of Republicans he wanted to assassinate, according to a new report citing sources close to the investigation.

Hodgkinson, a 66-year-old home inspector and activist who volunteered on the presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders, took a rifle and a pistol and dozens of rounds of ammo to Simpson Park in Alexandria, Virginia, Wednesday morning. Shortly after 7 a.m., he began shooting at a group of congressmen and their aides who were in the middle of a practice session. They were practicing for the annual charity baseball game to be played the next day, on Thursday, at National’s Field, which is a 100-year-old tradition in Washington.

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Children Tramatized when Cops hold Mock Child Sex Trafficking Drill never saying It’s A Drill

Orange County, FL — The Florida Highway Patrol is reviewing its presence at the Girls State Program after troopers conducted a kidnapping/human trafficking drill which went “horribly wrong” according to WFTV News Channel 9.

The girl’s program is attended by some of best and brightest high-schoolers Florida has to offer. “Everyone who’s going is at the top of their class,” Cameron Carlyle said describing the high-quality candidates who attend the elite leadership camp. But no amount of education could have prepared the girls for what happened on the last night of their training.

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MKUltra: CIA Drugged Victims with LSD for Mind Control Experiments

Corporate Media Just Exposed CIA Using Prostitutes to Drug Victims with LSD for Mind Control Studies Free Thought Project – Your government will, indeed, perform experiments on you if it so chooses, and while some are undertaken with Nazi-esque malevolence — like the atrocities committed in the Tuskegee Study, a 40-year operation infecting innocent Black … Click here to Read more

Black Lives Matter Bimbo Activist has Racist Tirade on Tucker Carlson: ‘Boo-Hoo White People’

‘If you don’t like people excluding others on the basis of their race… then why are you doing it?

Kelen McBreen | – Tucker Carlson recently invited political activist and Black Lives Matter supporter Lisa Durden onto his program to explain why a BLM Memorial Day event in New York City was for “blacks only”.

To start the interview Tucker said, “I was confused by this, I thought the whole point of Black Lives matter was to speak out against singling people out on the basis of their race and punishing them for that.”

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Homosexual Sulu still under mind control and being influenced by the Demon Landru

George Takei: Trump Is a ‘Foolish,’ ‘Ignorant’ Troll

A ole Georgie Boy is Accused of Sexually Assaulting Former Model in 1981

Breitbart – [….] George Takei of “Star Trek” fame (Sulu) called President Donald Trump a “troll,” and added that he though Trump was “as foolish and as uninformed and as ignorant as these trolls.”

George Takei said, “Today in this society, we have alien life forms that we call trolls and these trolls carry on without knowing what they’re talking about and knowing even less about the history of what they’re talking about and some of these trolls go on to be presidents of nations.”

“The president was totally ignorant of the history of internment here,” he continued “I invited Donald Trump to come see ‘Allegiance’ that we did on that subject. He never came. so he’s ignorant of that chapter of American history, and these people that are claiming that “Star Trek” is racist genocide or whatever they’re calling white genocide, don’t know what they’re talking about. They’re equal to the president of the United States. I think the president is as foolish and as uninformed and as ignorant as these trolls are.” Source

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The Communist/Leftist Media TWIST the FACTS and report HALF TRUTHS once again

They count on stupid people to read a headline and a couple of sentences. When you get into the FACTS, you find the real truth. Something these spawns of Satan know nothing of!

He was also a Bernie Supporter and threatened to Kill Trump Supporters. So that makes him a Communist Democrat as well as a Racist. No surprise as the Democrat Party is the parent of the KKK!

Portland killer ranted against Jews, Christians, and Muslims, media reported him as Islamophobe

Jihad Watch – The establishment media has seized upon Jeremy Joseph Christian, especially given his surname, as an example of their false claim that every religion has “extremists,” and Islam isn’t singular in this. In reality, this is one part of Jeremy Joseph Christian’s rant: “You don’t like it? You got a problem with what I’m saying? F*** all you Christians and Muslims and f****** Jews , f****** die. Burn you at the stake… f****** die.”

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Scientist finds cure for Liberalism?

Being a Brain Dead Idiot may soon history only to be read about in history books! Experts excited by brain ‘wonder-drug’  – Scientists hope to stop all neurodegenerative diseases, including dementia Proverbs 26:3 “A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool’s back.” (BBC News) Scientists hope they … Click here to Read more

The Written Word

Cynthia Pawl April 18, 2017 The following article comes from the front page of Why a 7-Year-Old Girl Got in Trouble For Writing Her Name in Cursive April 17, 2017 by KATE SCHWEITZER When a teacher reprimands a student, you can safely assume the kid in question did something wrong. Maybe she pushed a … Click here to Read more

Bread and Circuses reaches a new level of Corruption and Deception

Bread and Circuses – A phrase used by a Roman writer to deplore the declining heroism of Romans after the Roman Republic ceased to exist and the Roman Empire began:

“Two things only the people anxiously desire — bread and circuses.”

The government kept the Roman populace happy by distributing free food and staging huge spectacles. 

While you are watching the “Spectacle” the Lions have been released and YOU are on the Menu!

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Air Force Buffoons: Words like boy and girl could be offensive

Seems to me there are a lot of Clinton/Obama Creatures leading the Military that need a boot out the door!

The Air Force fears that words like boy, girl, colonial and blacklist might offend people, according to an email sent to Airmen at Joint Base San Antonio.

An outraged Airman sent me a copy of the email – as evidence the military is still infected with Obama-era political correctness.

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Bad Memories? Take a PILL or just DELETE Them

Headline: Scientists have discovered how to find your Bad Memories and DELETE Them

10 Modern Methods of Mind Control Click Here

If they can DELETE them, they can also plant false ones or make you a Manchurian Candidate! Sirhan Sirhan  was such a person! Ever see the Movie Total RecallDARPA and other Shadow Agencies have been experimenting on the human population for decades. They prep us by feeding Hollywood writers with story lines and movie scripts like Total recall. The agenda is to get us used to the idea and the technology they want to inflict us with! The big push right now seems to be Zombies, Vampires, and Robots!

1st Peter 1:13 “Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;”

The Mind Control stuff is really Old News. It is a prelude to the ultimate goal: DARPA: We’re Moving to Merge Humans and Machines. The diabolical plan is being brought to light by Steve Quayle, Tom Horn and others as they report on this extensively.

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