With every ILLEGAL coming in the Odds Favor a Crime against You or Someone you know

As Mr. Spock would say, “Logic Dictates” that the masses of illegals flooding through the border will increase your chances, or someone you love or know, of being in someway affected by the millions that are ALREADY here, and by the MILLIONS that are on there way here! Can a mathematician calculate how much the … Click here to Read more

Is It An Emergency Yet?

‘Migrant With Flesh-Eating Bacteria Detained At US Border’ From the AP:   U.S. Border Patrol agents say a man among hundreds of migrants detained in New Mexico in recent days has been diagnosed as having been infected with flesh-eating bacteria. U.S. Border Patrol agents say a man among hundreds of migrants detained in New Mexico … Click here to Read more

The Polio Vaccine

The Hidden History Of The Polio Vaccine And How It Impacts Today’s Acute Flaccid Myelitis: An Interview With Walter Kyle, Esq., Former Vaccine Court Claimants’ Attorney Activist Post – Back on Aug. 4, 2012, I published an interview with retired Vaccine Court “Claimant” Attorney Walter Kyle titled “Exposing the FDA’s Vaccine Injury Cover-up: An Interview With Walter Kyle, Esq.,” then on Sept. 30, … Click here to Read more

Mentally Ill Inmate Population keeps Growing in the Sodomy State of California

Gee I wonder why with all the Drugs, Sexual Perversion and Disease the illegals bring in! By the grace of God several more of the Mentally Ill Politicians will increase the inmate population with the following: Mad Maxine Waters, Nasty Nancy Pelosi, Krazy Kamala Harris, Dirty Dianne Feinstein, Jerk Jerry Brown and other mentally Ill … Click here to Read more

As Black Death Plague Strikes Madagascar, Might We Soon Witness Bio-Component ‘K For Kill Everyone’?

See also: Secretive world of bio-defense research. The connection to Gargoyles in Mythology and the book of Genesis! By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die According to this brand new story from The Express sent over to ANP by Steve Quayle, a NEW ‘Black Death’ has been discovered in Uganda, … Click here to Read more

Vaccines are covertly injecting everyone with disease-causing viruses

Warning comes from Scientist author of the Plague


(Natural News) Judy A.  Mikovits, Ph.D., is  a research scientist, as well as the co-author of the recently released ground-breaking book, Plague. Mikovits has spent a lifetime studying autoimmune and neuroimmune diseases, cancer, and other conditions caused by chronic inflammation. Specifically, she’s been studying retroviruses and how they contribute to the onset of these life-altering conditions. And in a recent article, Mikovits sheds some light one of the most concerning aspects of retroviruses: their unsuspecting place in vaccines.

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Measles is not a Virus

Biologist Proves Measles Isn’t A Virus, Wins Supreme Court Case Against Doctor
In a recent ruling, judges at the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) confirmed that the measles virus does not exist. Furthermore, there is not a single scientific study in the world which could prove the existence of the virus in any scientific literature. This raises the question of what was actually injected into millions over the past few decades.

The Criminality of the CDC

Boom—how and why the CDC can foist toxic vaccines on the American people

by Jon Rappoport January 26, 2017

From Kennedy’s video presentation, “7 Minutes on the CDC,” Anne Dachel (Age of Autism) has transcribed excerpts. This is explosive material, particularly because there is a chance Kennedy will head up an investigation of vaccine safety under Trump.

Kennedy understands the inherent conflict of interest at the CDC, which operates as a vaccine sales and marketing company, while at the same time posing as a neutral scientific body that assesses vaccine safety—AND OF COURSE, THE CDC PRESENTS AN EVER-EXPANDING SCHEDULE OF “NECESSARY” VACCINES TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

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Woman dies of infection resistant to all 26 available antibiotics

This is the fault of Greedy Doctors and Drug Companies.

Miami (AFP) – A US woman has died from an infection that was resistant to all 26 available antibiotics, health officials said this week, raising new concerns about the rise of dangerous superbugs.

The woman, who was in her 70s, died in Nevada in September, and had recently been hospitalized in India with fractured leg bones, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported.

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