Traitor John McCain’s KKK Ancestry and how HE put Neo-Nazis in Power in Ukraine

Free Thought Project – When former Republican Presidential Nominee John McCain is mentioned in the media, he is typically painted in a good light—an elderly senator and war hero battling brain cancer who has devoted the rest of his life to fighting for government healthcare and the removal of a tyrannical dictator in Syria. McCain … Click here to Read more

Leftist Soros Agent Jason Kessler Planned Charlottesville Car Attack ‘Weeks Before’

When something horrible happens and MSM is there to film it, it is usually a false flag operation they know about and helped plan! The truth always comes out but then people are like gold fish, have an attention span of about 10 seconds, and memory span not much longer. I would almost bet he is a CIA black ops stooge also!

Your News Wire – Jason Kessler, the CNN plant who planned the ‘Unite The Right’ riot in Charlottesville, had organized to use ‘cars as weapons’ in a chat room with fellow Nazis, internet sleuths have discovered.

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Nasty Nancy Pelosi Calls Minorities White Supremacists

Lucifer’s Lady Nasty Nancy Pelosi is having another one of those mental  episodes again and can’t tell who is who! She is calling a Patriot prayer rally a “white supremacist event”! Poor demon possessed Nasty Nancy needs deliverance! – A “Patriot Prayer Rally” scheduled in San Francisco is being blocked by Nancy Pelosi who called the meeting a white supremacist event.

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The Communist/Leftist Media TWIST the FACTS and report HALF TRUTHS once again

They count on stupid people to read a headline and a couple of sentences. When you get into the FACTS, you find the real truth. Something these spawns of Satan know nothing of!

He was also a Bernie Supporter and threatened to Kill Trump Supporters. So that makes him a Communist Democrat as well as a Racist. No surprise as the Democrat Party is the parent of the KKK!

Portland killer ranted against Jews, Christians, and Muslims, media reported him as Islamophobe

Jihad Watch – The establishment media has seized upon Jeremy Joseph Christian, especially given his surname, as an example of their false claim that every religion has “extremists,” and Islam isn’t singular in this. In reality, this is one part of Jeremy Joseph Christian’s rant: “You don’t like it? You got a problem with what I’m saying? F*** all you Christians and Muslims and f****** Jews , f****** die. Burn you at the stake… f****** die.”

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