Comrade Bill de Blasio’s False Facade

Mayor de Blasio Signs Police Reform Bills, Says Emptying Prisons Made NYC Safer Than Ever “You can feel the change coming!” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio told a crowd gathered Wednesday afternoon, before a Black Lives Matter street mural in the Bronx, to celebrate the signing of legislation dubbed the NYPD Accountability Package, … Click here to Read more

She is a Black Indian who is also a Non-Binary Lesbian Hooker?

This Activist’s Marxist Brainwashing Explains Why Antifa Has Terrorized Portland for 51 Nights Humm…, she, or IT, dose not look Black or Indian? Looks like your ordinary white hussy to me!  Also note the other idiots in the background. An Old White Catholic Priest donning African Garb, another white idiot with a bandana over his … Click here to Read more

Washington D.C. Mayor Bowser Partners With Chinese Communist Party Group

Grants Access To Top Federal Building Democrat leader collaborating with foreign enemy to indoctrinate America’s children  Info Wars – Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser has partnered with Chinese Communist Party-linked “education” programs since 2019, according to an annual report. The report from the Chinese communist-run Confucius Institute U.S. Center (CIUSC) credited both Bowser’s office and … Click here to Read more

Terrorist Organizations Black Lives Matter and Antifa will Attack White People in Flash Mobs

Be vigilant wherever you are. If you see a group of people acting strange, get ready to fight! Running will not save you! CIVIL WAR ANALYSIS: Black Lives Matter terror cells will carry out “armed flash mob” killing sprees on White communities while corporate America provides funding for illegal weapons Mike Adams | Natural News … Click here to Read more

Communist Democrat Bill Clinton Pardoned a TERRORIST and now she Helping Fund Racist Group Black Lives Matter

Psalms 2:1 “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?” Get you a good look at the Terrorist Traitor Susan Rosenberg. She along with many others help raise money for Black Lives Matter which is then funneled into the DNC! Convicted Terrorist Pardoned by Clinton Runs BLM Fundraising Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz … Click here to Read more

America’s Re-Education Camps

SEATTLE DEMANDS UNDOING OF WHITENESS! by Rev. Austin Miles – Isn’t re-education or re-indoctrination camps exclusive to China and other Communists countries?  Not anymore.  Thunder-headed big-bottomed leaders in Seattle apparently believe that what is good for communists is good for Americans and are busy at work transferring Americans from stability to a future life under … Click here to Read more

Terrorist Susan Rosenberg Connection to Black Lives Matter

YouTube Takes Down Tucker Carlson’s Video Connecting Terrorist Susan Rosenberg to BLM So Me being Me, I found it and loaded it up to my channel. Let’s see how long they let it be up there along with Fascist book!! Here is the article source. Breaking: YouTube Takes Down Tucker Carlson’s Video Connecting Terrorist Susan … Click here to Read more

Luciferian’s almost have TOTAL CONTROL or America’s Education System

Globalists Seek Total Control of ALL Education In this interview with The New American’s Alex Newman, Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor warns that globalists and educational totalitarians are moving in for the kill on private and home education. She says government money and benefits will be the key to the takeover. And then, all children … Click here to Read more

Communist Democrat Terrorists Officially Propose Giving Entire World’s Migrants Asylum in the US

Plan officially implements the UN’s “replacement migration” strategy Kit Daniels | News Wars –  A proposed Democratic Party platform would permanently open the US borders by giving asylum to all migrants across the world. The platform, known as the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Recommendations, would also provide a ‘pathway to US citizenship’ for all aliens … Click here to Read more

Ilhan Omar Calls For ‘Dismantling’ Of U.S. ‘Economy & Political Systems’

Communist takeover happening in broad daylight under guise of fighting ‘racism’ With all due respect to Jamie White, she is wrong about this one. This hussy Muslim Bitch Ilhan Omar dose not want Communism or Socialism. This Bitch wants Sharia Law and Islam to rule America. She, along with her filthy Muslin cohorts are helping … Click here to Read more