Bolshevik Bernie Sanders: The Coronavirus Silver Lining

The Communist Bastard (Hebrews 12:8) and his cronies want reduce us to a 3rd world nation, enslave the population while they enjoy the best of everything! It can Change the “Fundamental Tenets” of America “We need an economy that works for all, not just Trump and his billionaire friends.” Steve Watson | News Wars – … Click here to Read more

Broward SS Officer Bertha Henry will Storm Your Home and Remove YOU!

Nappy head ole Jezebel!

Proverbs 9:13 “A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing.” This Florida Jezebel is not the only Nazi POS that wants to violate your civil rights! There is an Ahab in the Sodomy State of California that wants to do the same!  The Sodomy State California Begins Forcibly Quarantining People and Separating … Click here to Read more

The Gestapo in Action

Coming to YOUR Town very soon! Do you know the story about the Frog in the Pot of Water? It’s exactly what is happening with this Communist Incrementalism! Some frogs are smarter than others and choose NOT to be Boiled Alive!  

Twitter Gestapo to Warn of Chi-Comm Virus Facts

Twitter To Censor COVID-19 ‘Conspiracy Theories’ With Warnings “These warnings will inform people that the information in the Tweet conflicts with public health experts’ guidance before they view it.” Steve Watson | Prison Planet – Twitter is to censor content relating to Covid-19 with warning labels if it does not comply with the guidance of … Click here to Read more

Hellywood Elite Call for an End to Capitalism

Multimillionaire Celebrities Call For End to Capitalism From The Comfort of Their Luxury Mansions  They’ll continue to live like royalty while you eat bugs. Paul Joseph Watson | Info Wars – Multimillionaire celebrities have signed a petition calling for an end to capitalism from the comfort of their luxury mansions. The petition, called ‘Please, let’s … Click here to Read more

The Sodomy State California Begins Forcibly Quarantining People and Separating Families

I wonder when they will Start Filling the Rail Cars? “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” Rahm Emanuel “Coronavirus an ‘Incredible Opportunity’ to ‘Fundamentally Transform’ America” Joe Biden 2020 ‘Every One of Them’: … Click here to Read more

Where’s the Beef?

Meat Shortages Leave Wendy’s Diners Asking, ‘Where’s the Beef?’ That was in 2020. Now in 2021 and beyond: Are You Ready To Start Paying “$40 Or $50” For A Hamburger? – That is if you can find a fast food place that has the Beef! With meat shortages roiling the U.S., some Wendy’s Co. restaurants … Click here to Read more

Millions Flooding in to the UK despite Covid-19 Lock Down!

18 Million People Entered the UK as the Coronavirus Pandemic Was Raging Barely any of them had to undergo health screenings. Paul Watson – 18 million people entered the UK in the three months before lockdown with hardly any of them undergoing health screenings or being put into quarantine, it has been revealed. “Only 273 … Click here to Read more

Your Papers Please! Governments Pushing for Health Passports to Travel

The Mayor of Nice has called for citizens to be required to carry “health passports” if they wish to travel. Paul Watson – “Christian Estrosi, the mayor of Nice, posted a letter on Facebook one day after (Prime Minister Edouard) Philippe unveiled plans to ease stay-at-home restrictions for the country that would start in May, … Click here to Read more

Terrorist News Round Up for April 26 to May 2, 2020

Islam – Muslim – Jihad – Terrorist News Round Up Pakistani Minister: ‘Behead’ Those Who Blaspheme Muhammad Greek Island “Shaken” as Pakistani Muslim ‘Seduces’ 11-Year-Old Syrian Teen Executed over Text Messages Deemed ‘Blasphemous’ Sharia-queen Linda Sarsour pimping for designated terrorist group CAIR U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations Remains Silent on Armenian Genocide Nigeria: Atheist faces … Click here to Read more

Are you Against Vaccines? That could get you a Stay in the Nut Ward!

California Man Thrown In PSYCHIATRIC HOLD For Expressing Concern About Bill Gates’ Vaccines Claimed the coronavirus outbreak is “an elaborate hoax to scare Americans into vaccines that made people trackable through 5G towers.” But those with Trump derangement Disease wander the streets unimpeded! Steve Watson | News Wars – A California man has been locked … Click here to Read more