How did Susan Rice make $50 million working In Obama’s Administration?

Conservative Daily Post – Several months ago, Susan Rice, the former National Security Adviser under President Barack Obama, was in a world of controversy. She made headlines the world over with her part in intentionally “unmasking” officials on the Donald Trump campaign. However, there is more than meets the eye with this woman, especially when money is involved.

A career in the public sector pays very well, better than most of the jobs in the country. At her peak income, Rice was earning $172,000 a year. That’s pretty good, considering that when accounting for a 30% tax rate, she’s still bringing home over $120,000. However, Rice’s net worth is $50 MILLION.

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The Kooky Kommunist Kult will Destroy Themselves

Just be Patient folks and watch the Comedy Show!

Cher Turns on Nancy Pelosi After Ossoff Loss

Cher took to Twitter Wednesday to question whether Democratic House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi may have played a role in Jon Ossoff’s defeat in his race against Republican Karen Handel for Georgia’s sixth district congressional seat on Tuesday.

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Communist Democratic Cult needs to be put on the Terror Watch List

Rush Limbaugh: Democratic Party ‘Has Become the Largest Hate Group in This Country’

Tuesday on his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh pointed out the mood of the Democratic Party, which he described as resentful and unhappy, and noted liberal comedians are “consumed by hatred.”

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Crazed Killer carried a KILL LIST of House Freedom Caucus Members in Pocket

Proof the Communist Democrat Cult Member attack was not random, but premeditated and selective Murder.

I wonder if he was Programmed and on Mind Altering Drugs as so many other wacko killers were?

WND – James T. Hodgkinson, the progressive  Communist Democrat Cult Member who shot and wounded five people Wednesday at a congressional baseball practice, carried with him a list of Republicans he wanted to assassinate, according to a new report citing sources close to the investigation.

Hodgkinson, a 66-year-old home inspector and activist who volunteered on the presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders, took a rifle and a pistol and dozens of rounds of ammo to Simpson Park in Alexandria, Virginia, Wednesday morning. Shortly after 7 a.m., he began shooting at a group of congressmen and their aides who were in the middle of a practice session. They were practicing for the annual charity baseball game to be played the next day, on Thursday, at National’s Field, which is a 100-year-old tradition in Washington.

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Communist Democratic Cult Member opens Fire on Republican Ball Practice

Communist Bernie Sanders supporter James Hodgkinson opened fire during a Republican early-morning practice ahead of a charity baseball game.  Reports state he asked if they were Republicans or Democrats.

Hodgkinson followed numerous Communist/Socialist left-leaning news sites, including Raw Story and Terrorist groups on Facebook. He frequently signed online petitions that he then shared on social media.  He was a Rachel Maddow Super Fan

‘It’s Time To Destroy Trump & Co’
Bernie Sanders Supporter goes on Rampage
Opens fire at congressional baseball practice
Crazed Democrat belonged to Anti-GOP Groups
Communist Democratic Twitter Cult Members Celebrate

15 Times Celebrities Envisioned Violence Against Trump and the GOP

Tim Kaine and Loretta Lynch Called for Blood and Death in the Streets

Gunman was an Anti-Trump Leftist – 66 year old called Trump a traitor and vowed to destroy him

Leftist Gunman Shoots Republican Congressman in Media-Inspired Terror Attack – Attacker deliberately targeted Republicans

Leftists Blame Guns, Not Themselves For GOP Shooting – But leftists push violence against Trump

Hate Provoking U.S. Media Guilty of Inciting Shooting of Congressional Republicans in Virginia While Liberals Celebrate the Attempted Massacre

Rand Paul: Armed Capitol Police Prevented A Massacre

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Luciferians want to make entire Country like the Sodomy State

If millions are leaving California because life there is so horrible, then why would those same people want to try to make their new communities more like the state that they just left?

InfoWarsAbout five million people have migrated out of the state of California over the past decade, and most of them are leaving for very good reasons. The number one destination for ex-Californians is Texas, and this has caused the state to move a little bit to the left politically. For example, Trump beat Clinton by only about 9 percent in Texas back in November. It is getting to the point where many people in Texas are starting to resent anyone with a California license plate, because there are so many ex-Californians that would like to turn Texas into another version of their home state.

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Al Gore the god of Climate Fraud

Al Gore says God told Him to Fight Global Warming 2nd Timothy 3:13 “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” Breitbart News – Former Vice President Al Gore is now telling his climate disciples that God commands us to go forth and fight global warming. Engaging in some … Click here to Read more

Devils Disiple Zbigniew Brzezinski dies: In Hell’s holding Cell awating Judgement Day

WASHINGTON (AP) — Zbigniew Brzezinski (ZBIG’-nyef breh-ZHIN’-skee), the national security adviser to President Jimmy Carter, has died. He was 89. His death was announced on social media Friday night by his daughter, MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski. She called him “the most inspiring, loving and devoted father any girl could ever have.” Read the rest here. … Click here to Read more

Like Crazy Mother, Like Crazy Daughter: The NUT does not fall far from the Tree

Chelsea Clinton: Sexism, Racism, Islamophobia, Homophobia, Jingoism ‘Is Not an Opinion’ I had to look up Jingoism and when I saw the defination the thought popped in my mind, Yep, just like her Communist Traitor mother who is a Chinese Agent among other things! Monday in Washington, DC at the CARE National Conference, former first … Click here to Read more