CNN can’t report real news so they resort to Elmo’s “wonderful trip” to Refugee Camps

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“Elmo thinks it’s important to know that everybody is the same deep down and that’s very important.”

It figures the Communist News Network would buddy up with Elmo because he was once a Homosexual, and CNN LOVES Homosexuals!

Three lawsuits alleging sex abuse by Kevin Clash, the puppeteer who gave Sesame Street’s Elmo his voice, were dismissed by a judge who ruled the accusers waited too long to sue.

Each accuser, all adult men, said they were courted and seduced by Clash when they were underage teenagers.

“I am a gay man,” Clash, 52, said in a statement in November. “I have never been ashamed of this or tried to hide it, but felt it was a personal and private matter.”

A clerk with Manhattan District court confirmed that three lawsuits filed against Clash were dismissed on grounds that the statute of limitations had run out. Read it all here.

Even though Kevin Clash is no longer the Voice of Elmo, the effects linger on! There is no info I can find on the current voice of Elmo, Ryan Dillon and his sexual preference. However, you be the judge!!!!!

Jihad Watch – Really? Cute little Elmo could not possibly tell the truth about what’s really happening in refugee camps, now could he? Innocent people are suffering in refugee camps at the hands of jihadists and barbaric Islamic supremacists. That would not be suitable for children to hear. But in light of the reality in refugee camps, it would have been best not to have him spread this propaganda to children.

In refugee camps, women and children endure rape, beatings and abuse, and they live in daily fear; Christians are spat upon, beaten, raped and persecuted.

Elmo’s puppet masters are turning this endearing little character into a propaganda machine, spreading falsehoods to children about the reality of the abuses committed by Islamic supremacists. Simply put, evil and good are not the same “deep down.”

It is sad and telling that the one-sided interview of Elmo was instigated by CNN, which has been struggling with credibility issues since it was branded, with good reason, “fake news” by President Trump.

Meanwhile, footage obtained by investigative journalist James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas showed a senior CNN producer admitting that the network’s relentless bashing of President Donald Trump over his alleged links to Russia was “mostly bullsh*t.”

“CNN Interviews Sesame Street’s Elmo About ‘Wonderful’ Trip to Refugee Camp,” Breitbart, June 27, 2017:

CNN ran a story on Monday describing the “wonderful” visit of Sesame Street character Elmo to a refugee camp in Syria, where he concludes that “refugee kids are just like us.”

“They like to play and learn just like Elmo and all his friends at Sesame Street,” Elmo said during an interview broadcast on CNN via Facebook Live. “Elmo thinks it’s important to know that everybody is the same deep down and that’s very important.”

“It was really sad because Elmo’s new friends told Elmo that they had to leave their homes because it wasn’t safe for them to stay,” he continued. “And that made Elmo really sad and sometimes a bit scared.”…..

The bizarre story comes amidst a rising problem of credibility at the network. On Monday, three CNN employees resigned over a fake news scandal in which they were forced to retract a hit piece pertaining to Donald Trump and his associates.

Meanwhile, footage obtained by investigative journalist James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas showed a senior CNN producer admitting that the network’s relentless bashing of President Donald Trump over his alleged links to Russia was “mostly bullsh*t.”

Posted with permission from Jihad Watch

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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