John McCain thinks Russia hacked Election

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John McCain doesn’t know what to make of Trump’s Russia hacking response

Fake News Site CBS reporting – Responding to intelligence officials’ report that Russia tried to influence the U.S. presidential election in favor of President-elect Donald Trump, Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain (R-Arizona) on Sunday said he doesn’t know what to make of Mr. Trump’s dismissal of the issue.

“I don’t know what to make of it because it’s clear the Russians interfered,” he told CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “Whether they intended to interfere to the degree that they were trying to elect a certain candidate, I think that’s a subject of investigation. But facts are stubborn things. They did hack into this campaign.”

In an interview with “Fox News Sunday,” Mr. Trump said Sunday that new revelations about Russia’s influence on his behalf are “ridiculous.”

“It’s just another excuse. I don’t believe it,” Trump said. “… Every week it’s another excuse. We had a massive landslide victory, as you know, in the Electoral College.”

McCain called for a select committee to further investigate the extent of Russia’s influence and intentions.

“I would like in an ideal world to have a select committee,” he said, adding that he would hope such a committee would be made up of leaders on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Foreign Relations Committee and Armed Services Committee.

In the meantime, McCain said, senators are putting together a plan to investigate the issue through a subcommittee on the Senate Armed Services Committee — and that he’s “confident” it will be handled on a bipartisan basis.

“We’ll go to work on it, we’ll go to work immediately because the issue of cyber is not a static issue,” he said. “…You can’t make this issue partisan, it’s just — it’s too important. A fundamental of a democracy is a free and fair election.”

McCain also said he’s concerned about Mr. Trump’s posture toward Russia and Russian President Vladimir Putin, reminding the public that Putin is not someone to be underestimated.

“Vladimir Putin is a thug and a murderer and a killer and a KGB agent,” he said. “…Let’s call Vladimir Putin for what he is. Does that mean you don’t deal with him or talk to him? Of course you talk to him. But you do it the way that Ronald Reagan did, and that’s from a position of strength.”

Read the rest from Fake News outlet CBS News.

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