London’s Jihad Muslim mayor says Trump’s rhetoric is like that of the Islamic State

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Jihad Watch – Khan to Trump: “They [the Islamic State] say that there is a clash of civilizations, it is not possible to be a Muslim and a westerner, and the west hates us. And you are inadvertently playing their game, you are helping them.”

This is a straw man. Trump has never said that it is not possible to be a Muslim and a Westerner. He is merely trying to keep jihadis out of the country. As people enter the country from jihadi hot-spots, there are only two choices: keep out some harmless people or let in some harmful people. Trump is choosing the former; the entire political establishment is choosing the latter, on pain of charges of “racism” and “hate.” Khan, by setting up this straw man, is trying to intimidate people into thinking that it is a moral failing to oppose the “refugee” influx or try to take steps to resist jihad terror.

“Sadiq Khan: Trump’s language about Muslims is similar to Isis rhetoric,” by Anushka Asthana, Guardian, September 24, 2017:

Sadiq Khan has accused Donald Trump of adopting language similar to that used by Islamic State when he suggested a “total and complete shutdown” of US borders to Muslims.

Speaking at a Guardian Live event at the Labour party conference in Brighton, the London mayor said he was a “reluctant participant” in the continuing hostility between himself and the US president.

But Khan made it clear that he was offended by Trump’s call for a ban on Muslims and claim that he would make an exception for the Labour politician.

“My view was firstly ‘I’m not exceptional’ and secondly ‘Think about what you are saying.’ Because what you are saying is not dissimilar to what Daesh or so-called IS says.

“They say that there is a clash of civilisations, it is not possible to be a Muslim and a westerner, and the west hates us. And you are inadvertently playing their game, you are helping them.”

Speaking to the Guardian’s editor-in-chief, Katharine Viner, Khan praised the contribution American Muslims had made to the country, including as students, artists and politicians.

He said Trump’s ban on travellers from a number of Muslim-majority countries gave the “wrong impression” of the religion.

“I’m a westerner, but also a very proud Muslim. There are some people who want to divide our communities – I’m not going to let them,” Khan said….

Posted with permission from Jihad Watch

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