Orlando Gay Night Club

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Judge Napolitano: “Nobody died until 05:13 in the morning”

As more and more news comes out, it is looking like this may in fact be another False Flag Shooting. Conflicting news reports and the government officials who are trying there best to keep info from the public just adds fuel to the fire. Check out this bit of FACTS that Edward Szall at Trunews put together.

“Nobody died until 05:13 in the morning”

On that note: There are news conferences by the Police Officials that stated some of the people may have been killed by “friendly fire”! Meaning the Cops Shot them when they entered the building!

TRUNEWS – In the ongoing TRUNEWS Investigation into the Orlando Massacre, a consistent question has arisen, when did the victims die?According to the FBI the supposed Orlando shooter, Omar Mateen, entering the club around 02:00 AM and began his killing spree. However, as Judge Andrew Napolitano points out in this clip, that story — the story based off of the unredacted FBI transcript released Monday — doesn’t just directly contradict eye witness testimony, but the FBI’s official narrative itself!

FBI — Investigative Update Regarding Pulse Nightclub Shooting
On June 20th, speaking as a guest on Fox News’s talk show

Outnumbered, Judge Napolitano says:

“These are in two parts, there’s an actual transcript, and then there’s a summary of the rest. Here’s whats news in the summary, nobody died until 05:13 in the morning, when the SWAT team entered, prior to that no one had been killed. The 53 that were injured, and the 49 that were murdered all met their fates at the time of, and during, the police entry into the building.”

This could be the smoking gun which unravels this entire mystery. Why has the FBI issued gag orders to local police, fire, and emergency medical personnel? Why has the 911 audio and emergency scanner archives between the hours of 12:00 AM and 0300 AM EST been erased or physically requisitioned by the FBI?

The American people DESERVE answers.The American people DESERVE to know what really happened on June 12th in Orlando, FL.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) officials walk through the parking lot of the Pulse gay night club, the site of a mass shooting days earlier, in Orlando, Florida, U.S., June 15, 2016. REUTERS/Adrees Latif

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!