Muslim TV: Promised Land is Land where Jews will be exterminated by divine decree

“By divine decree.” Do the leaders of the West really think that “Palestinians” will accept peaceful coexistence with Israel in any form? As far as many, if not most, of them are concerned, their jihad against the Jews has been ordained by Allah. It cannot be negotiated away.

“‘Promised Land’ = Land where Jews will be exterminated,” by Itamar Marcus, Palestinian Media Watch, April 12, 2017:

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Sweden Newspaper calls for Banning Motor Vehicles

Well it’s about time they do something about those vehicles! I mean, they are so racist and hateful something has to be done.I think they need to have Fluoride added to the fuel to calm them down and make them docile! If that does not help, before rolling off the assembly line they need to have anti-hate chips installed in their main navigational processors. In addition, all other vehicles need to be fitted with thought monitoring software or face the junk yard!

Image result for cars with teeth

That, and this: Ban those Assault Hammers is Mocking and Satire. The following IS NOT!

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Slave Markets doing well in Libya

Special thanks and awards go to Obama and Hillary for helping make this possible!

Migrants from West Africa are being openly traded in “public slave markets” across Libya.

As a departure point for refugees trying to get to Europe, migrants arriving in Libya from sub-Saharan Africa are particularly vulnerable due to a lack of money and little in the way of documentation.

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Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley forced to resign amid sex scandal

Another elite scumbag gets a slap on the wrist!

Embattled REPUBLICAN Gov. Robert Bentley this afternoon agreed to a deal that forced him to resign the office of governor, plead guilty to two misdemeanors and agree to never again hold public office.

The extraordinary agreement, hammered out over the weekend and throughout the day by lawyers for the Alabama Attorney General’s office and Bentley attorneys Chuck Malone and Cooper Shattuck, requires Bentley to repay the state for misused funds and perform community service. 

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Scud Missiles: Psalms 91 all over again?

Syria says it will Rain Scud Missiles on Israel if Air Strikes continue

If they do, only 39 will be fired and none will hit the target…. again! But as Steve Quayle comments on a headline at his website:  “HERE COMES THE BURDEN OF DAMASCUS AND ISAIAH 17”

Image result for scud missileMultiple outlets are reporting that Russia has delivered a message to the Israel government on behalf of Syria’s Assad regime stating that any more Israel Air Force strikes into Syrian territory will be answered with a barrage of Scud missiles. In particular, it describes what will be targeted and why. If a Israel air strike hits civilian infrastructure, Syria will launch missiles aimed at Israel’s port in Haifa as well as its nearby petrochemical plant. If strikes hit Syrian military-related targets, the Scud missiles will be targeted at Israel Defense Force bases. Read more here.

I remember in Desert Storm, 1991, Saddam Hussein firing 39 Scud Missiles into Israel. I also remember the late J.R. Church saying there would not be another scud missile fired because of Psalms 91 and Jewish Law. In Biblical times, people received 40 lashes for a crime. So to not break the law, in case they miscounted, they would administer 39. If I remember correctly, he said that 40 missiles would mean that God had taken his protection away and did not love them any longer.

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Ron Paul: Syria Chemical attack is a False Flag Operation

According to former Congressman Ron Paul, the chemical weapons attack in Khan Sheikhoun that killed 30 children and has led to calls for the Trump administration to intervene in Syria could have been a false flag attack.

Pointing out that the prospect of peace in Syria was moving closer before the attack, with ISIS and Al-Qaeda on the run, Paul said the attack made no sense.

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What the Hell is going on in San Antonio Texas?

Pregnant Texas Girl Killed By Baby’s Father, who is also her Step-Father!

This is the 4th or 5th such story I have seen over the last year or so. Illegals involved in some sort of sex related murder.

A 15-year-old teen who was pregnant for a 2nd time by her stepdad was allegedly murdered by him!

Illegal immigrant Armando Garcia-Ramires is accused of shooting Jennifer Delgado, his stepdaughter and mother of his unborn child, in her San Antonio apartment.

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PA TV instructs viewers to obey Qur’an’s rules for wife-beating

Would you have expected them to reject what the Qur’an says?

“Men have authority over women because Allah has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because Allah has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them.” — Qur’an 4:34

Muhammad “struck me on the chest which caused me pain, and then said: Did you think that Allah and His Apostle would deal unjustly with you?” — Aisha (Sahih Muslim 2127)

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The FBI should be all over HER like WHITE on RICE!

But saying that is Racist and Sexist as MSNBC Ass Clown Chris Matthews says, Right?

Oh I just did, My bad! But it is true. White does get on Rice seeing how her husband is WHITE. Or, is he one of those Trans-Racials like Rachel Dolezal, who does not know what the hell he is?

BLACK RICE says she did it for National Security and NOT SPYING for the Democrats!

Yea right! And I have some prime fresh water swamp land in southern Arizona for raising Salt Water Crocodiles I will sell you at a discounted price!

Her interest was not in national security but to advance the political interests of the Democratic party.

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CNN’s Token Black Homosexual Don Lemon Refuses to Report Susan Rice Criminal Activities

CNN anchor Don Lemon refused to cover reports Monday claiming former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice illegally unmasked and spread intel on the Trump transition team during the 2016 election.

Focusing on Trump’s tweets charging that Obama had bugged Trump Tower, Lemon claimed there was “no evidence” of this, and accused Fox News of spreading the claim that Susan Rice illegally shared Trump team intel.

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Montana’s Devil Democrats vote against banning Shariah law

Call bill ‘repugnant’ – ‘It sends a dangerous message to minority groups’

I suppose it will take one of them having their head chopped of before the other Fools will open their eyes!

Breitbart News – Democrats in Montana have opposed a bill banning the use of foreign law in its state courts on the grounds that such legislation would target Muslims.

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