Muslim pol says London jihadi was “violent Christian before he was a violent Muslim”

A large part of my work is making elementary distinctions that are repeatedly obscured, and apparently deliberately so, by those who should know better, and probably do. In the first place, there is no evidence as far as I know that Masood was an observant or devout Christian at any time in his life, and testimony from people who knew him that he was a “very religious” Muslim. Moreover, when he was violent before he converted to Islam, this violence had nothing to do with Christianity, as Christianity does not exhort believers to commit acts of violence. When he was violent after he converted to Islam, there is every reason to believe that he may have found justification for his violence in the numerous texts and teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah that exhort believers to commit acts of violence and tell them they will be rewarded by Allah for doing so.

But the next time there is a jihad attack in Britain, Sayeeda Warsi will say the same thing again, and no one will dare contradict her or try to cut through her obfuscations; to do so would be “Islamophobic.”

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Mexicans gone Mad?

Here are three stories that should make  your blood boil> They are all south of the American border in good ole righteous Mexico!

Mexican Archdiocese: Those Helping Trump Build Wall Would Be ‘Traitors to the Homeland’

An editorial in the weekly publication of the largest Mexican Roman Catholic Archdiocese, Desde la fe— Catholic Seminary of Information and Training—warned Mexicans that helping President Donald Trump build a wall on the United States border would make them “traitors of the homeland,” Reuters reported.

“Any company intending to invest in the wall of the fanatic Trump would be immoral, but above all, its shareholders and owners should be considered traitors to the homeland,” the editorial said. Read it all here.

Mexican man cleared in sexual assault of schoolgirl because he didn’t ‘enjoy’ it

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Saudi Man Literally Herding Veiled Muslim Women With a Stick

Paul Watson   InfoWars – A disturbing video out of Saudi Arabia shows a man with a stick literally herding veiled young Muslim women with a stick as they wait for their male guardians before being allowed to leave.

The clip shows a man allowing some students to leave before he orders the others to return indoors by banging a stick against a mental hand rail. At the end of the clip he appears to strike one of the women on the head with the stick.

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CIA not the Russians

WikiLeaks has published hundreds more files today which it claims show the CIA went to great lengths to disguise its own hacking attacks and point the finger at Russia, China, North Korea and Iran. The 676 files released today are part of WikiLeaks’ Vault 7 tranche of files and they claim to give an insight … Click here to Read more

Jordanian Imam calls for Jews to be Killed in Montreal Mosque Sermon

CBC reports: A Montreal mosque is facing a police complaint and rebukes from the larger Muslim community after a video of an imam delivering a sermon in which he asks for Jews to be killed surfaced online.

The sermon took place at the Dar Al-Arqam Mosque in the city’s Saint-Michel neighbourhood on Dec. 23, 2016. The video was posted to the mosque’s YouTube channel three days later. The imam in the video is Jordanian cleric Sheikh Muhammad bin Musa Al Nasr — he was reportedly an invited guest of the mosque.

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David Rockefeller’s Dying Wish and Penance

David Rockefeller left instructions for his massive estate to fund extended vacations in California for all fellow Democrats, Illegal Aliens and Muslim Refugees.

He knows where he was headed and where he now resides.

Just in case he could not take it with him, he wanted to say thank you for all of your loyalty and dedication to his sinister agenda.

He has also requested that ALL of the Major News Outlets move their entire operations to L.A. or San Francisco, which he said in his last will and testament, and is already part of the agreement they signed for funding.

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Bread and Circuses reaches a new level of Corruption and Deception

Bread and Circuses – A phrase used by a Roman writer to deplore the declining heroism of Romans after the Roman Republic ceased to exist and the Roman Empire began:

“Two things only the people anxiously desire — bread and circuses.”

The government kept the Roman populace happy by distributing free food and staging huge spectacles. 

While you are watching the “Spectacle” the Lions have been released and YOU are on the Menu!

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Obama’s NSA Illegally Spied on Sheriff Arpaio’s Prosecution

Clear parallels to Obama’s wiretapping of Trump

See the News that started it all here, and which the Fake News Networks will NOT cover!

Jerome Corsi – WASHINGTON, D.C. – While the Department of Justice was prosecuting Sheriff Arpaio from 2008 to 2010, the NSA conducted electronic surveillance of the various Arizona judges on the case, on Sheriff Arpaio, and on the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, while the DOJ attorneys for Eric Holder maintained an on-going telephone back-channel discussion with the federal judge assigned to handle the case.

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Project Dragnet: NSA Documents Prove Surveillance on Donald Trump for Years!

WASHINGTON, D.C. – have obtained credible information regarding individual records of U.S. citizens under National Security Agency (NSA) electronic surveillance in the years 2004 through 2010 – a database that documents both Donald J. Trump and Alex Jones were under illegal, unauthorized government monitoring during those years.

Michael Zullo, formerly the commander and chief investigator of the Cold Case Posse (CCP), a special investigative group created in 2006 in the office of Joseph M. Arpaio, formerly the sheriff in Maricopa County, an Arizona State Certified Law Enforcement Agency, headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona.

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Illegals from Guatemala ages 17 and 18, in 9th-grade, Rape 14yr old Girl

“They took turns holding girl down, sexually assaulting her as she cried out, fought back”

Those of you who oppose the wall and oppose deporting these illegals….., this girls Rape is credited to your account!

(Washington Post) A 14-year-old girl was pushed into a boys bathroom at Rockville High School on Thursday morning and raped by two other students during school hours, according to Montgomery County District Court records filed Friday.

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Muslim behind Trump Immigration Ban suit runs Muslim Brotherhood Mosque

Jihad Watch – The Muslim Brotherhood is dedicated in its own words, according to a captured internal document, to “a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.” That’s from “An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America,” by Mohamed Akram, May 19, 1991.

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