Another corrupt Obama Judge halts Trump travel ban, enables Muslim terrorists

Mark my Words, this man is a closeted Homosexual and Pedophile! When the Pedophile list is made public, he will be on it! Most of the Judges and Politicians have dossiers on them and are TOLD what to do by the Shadow Government!

It is also note worthy this Judge happens to be a colleague of the Mac Daddy, Obama. He went to Hawaii just before this Corrupt judge issued his restraining order.

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Dirty Donna Brazile: Sending Crooked Hillary Clinton questions is a ‘mistake I will forever regret’

Dirty Donna is NOT sorry or regretful!

NO……, she regrets getting caught! This Jezebel of of a woman is Vial, Wretched, and without a conscience or she would not be cozying up to other Vial and Wretched Women! Prove it Dirty Donna, spill the beans on your criminal cohorts if you have had a change of heart! Get out of the cesspool of filth you are in and that includes the Catholic church!

The Hill – Donna Brazile says passing along a list of topics for a TV town hall event to Hillary Clinton’s campaign was “a mistake I will forever regret.”

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The IRS Loves Satan and Hates Jesus

Well, isn’t that special? IRS bends over for ‘ Satan
Sped tax exemption for after-school club while tea-party groups languished

World Net Daily – The Washington watchdog Judicial Watch revealed Thursday the IRS slashed the wait time for Satanists seeking tax-exempt status to 10 days at the same time the agency was delaying responses to Christian and “patriot” groups for years.

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FBI undercover stings foil terrorist plots: Most are sting operations of the agency’s own making

Announcements of foiled terrorist plots make for lurid reading.

Schemes to carry out a Presidents Day jihadist attack on a train station in Kansas City. Bomb a Sept. 11 memorial event. Blow up a 1,000-pound bomb at Fort Riley. Detonate a weapon of mass destruction at a Wichita airport — the failed plans all show imagination.

But how much of it was real?

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Hillary Clinton’s team met with Russian ambassador says Kremlin spokesman

Hillary Clinton’s team members met with the Russian ambassador during the election as well as Donald Trump’s, the Kremlin spokesman has alleged, as he set out to dismiss the “hysteria” surrounding Mr Trump’s links to Russia.

The house intelligence committee will hold its first session on Russia on March 20, with the heads of the FBI, national security agency and CIA expected to appear, plus previous intelligence chiefs.

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Hypocrite Nancy Pelosi: We Have a Right to Know What’s in Health Care Bill Before It Passes

Crazy Nancy!

Freedom Outpost – In an utter display of hypocrisy, although what she said is right on, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) wrote a letter on Tuesday to Speaker of the House Paul Ryan demanding to know what is in his American Health Care Act.

Why is this hypocrisy? Remember when the same Pelosi said of Obamacare, “We have to pass the bill so that you can see what is in it“?

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Air Force Buffoons: Words like boy and girl could be offensive

Seems to me there are a lot of Clinton/Obama Creatures leading the Military that need a boot out the door!

The Air Force fears that words like boy, girl, colonial and blacklist might offend people, according to an email sent to Airmen at Joint Base San Antonio.

An outraged Airman sent me a copy of the email – as evidence the military is still infected with Obama-era political correctness.

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Chuckie Schumer Clone gets the AX.

Swamp Creature out! US Attorney Preet Bharara says he was Fired for not Resigning

NEW YORK (AP) — An outspoken Manhattan federal prosecutor known for crusading against public corruption announced he was fired Saturday after he refused a request a day earlier to resign.

Preet Bharara, 48, made the announcement on his personal Twitter account after it became widely known hours earlier that he did not intend to step down in response to Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ request that leftover appointees of former President Barack Obama quit.

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Miami police officer accused of stealing from drivers he pulled over

He is a Prime Candidate for the CIA or one of the other Spook Criminal infested organizations! 

A rookie Miami police officer is behind bars (and probably out of a job) after he was arrested on charges of stealing from the people he pulled over.

Miami Deputy Police Chief Luis Cabrera said Saturday that Jose R. Acosta, who has been on the force for just under a year, was arrested Friday and charged with one count of armed burglary and one count of armed grand theft.

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