Millions of Illegals Registered and Voted!

Nearly 2 million non-citizen Hispanics illegally registered to vote

A large number of non-citizen Hispanics, as many as 2 million, were illegally registered to vote in the U.S., according to a nationwide poll.

The National Hispanic Survey provides additional evidence for use by anti-voter fraud conservatives and bolsters an analysis by professors at Old Dominion University who say non-citizens registered and voted in potentially large numbers.

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Go to Hell NFL?

Governor, Pastors to NFL on Bathroom Bill Threat: Don’t Mess With Texas

Christian Post  – A coalition of pastors known as the Texas Pastor Council that spearheaded the defeat of Houston’s Equal Rights Ordinance, known also as the “Bathroom Bill,” is now taking aim at the National Football League after the organization threatened to make Texas pay if the state passes a proposed transgender bathroom law introduced last month.

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Ass Clown Albert Global Warming Gore is at it again

A climate change meeting in Atlanta on Thursday had all the ingredients of a political spectacle. With Donald Trump, a noted skeptic of climate change science winning the the White House, a nervous federal agency scrapped plans to host the event. Enter, Al Gore. The former Democratic presidential candidate helped revive the conference and took … Click here to Read more

Those Protesting and Criticizing the Most are the first ones with a hand in the Cookie Jar!

Big mouth Witches like Nancy Pelsoi, Big Mouth Satanic Hollywood Scum like Michelle Moore, ooops I mean Michael Moore, are SOME of the Sodomy States biggest cry babies. Then you have the Governor, Jerry Brown, who spews ignorance and wants the entirety of said Sodomy State to become a sanctuary for people who break the law! They are the first ones to want their piece of the pie, a very Large piece at that. The cry baby clowns want 100 BILLION dollars of the 1 trillion Trump has proposed for infrastructure repair.

Maybe they should have kicked out the illegals and spent that money saved on the infrastructure. Just maybe they would not be looking at the disaster that is fixing to take place with the Lake Oroville dam!

California Asks For $100B Despite Refusal To Enforce Immigration Laws

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Satanists at the NY Times commit TREASON! Trying to overthrow the United States Government

Journalists Go Nuts Over Rehashed New York Times Story

Daily Caller – The New York Times published a story Tuesday night claiming that there was contact between associates of Donald Trump and Russian intelligence officials during the presidential race. While the story states that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has found no evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign and essentially is a rehash of a previous story, journalists have gone bonkers over it.

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Empire Beneath the Ice – What is going on in Antarctica?

Command and Control for the New World Order- Steve Quayle and Dave Hodges

Revisionist History

Steve Quayle joined Dave Hodges for the last two hours in what Dave called the fastest two hours in the history of the show. Steve discussed how his new book describes so many things that are going on today and they all owe their origin to the fact that the Nazis actually won World War II.

Steve Quayle reveals why most of what you learned about World War II and the defeat of Nazi Germany is historically wrong.

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Mexicans Vow to Fight Trump by Jamming U.S. Courts

These people have basically declared WAR on the U.S. Economy. That is an aggression against the United States,  an Act of War against America.  It is the ReConquista, Aztlan, Raza, MEChA! It is Jihad against the rule of Law!

They are Hostiles and should be dealt with as accordingly! Every Mexican Embassy needs to be shut down and the Ambassadors escorted to the border! Troops need to assist Law Enforcement to defend the land against these invaders. Round them ALL up and whoever protests, send them across the border too!

Group says it will urge compatriots targeted for extradition to fight in court; government allocates funds.

MEXICO CITY—Influential Mexicans are pushing an aggressive and perhaps risky strategy to fight a likely increase in deportations of their undocumented compatriots in the U.S.: jam U.S. immigration courts in hopes of causing the already overburdened system to break down.

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