Satanists at the New York Times cozy up to the Muslim Brotherhood

TEL AVIV – The New York Times in recent days has run numerous articles and opinion pieces advocating against designating the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization amid reports the Trump administration is debating doing just that.

The Muslim Brotherhood openly seeks to establish a worldwide Islamic caliphate based on Sharia law. While many Brotherhood wings reject the use of violence as a strategic tactic, preferring instead a sophisticated gradualist strategy to achieve their aims, the Brotherhood has spawned terrorist organizations – most notably Hamas – that adhere to its philosophy of a world order based on Islam. The Brotherhood was also a central player in the so-called Arab Spring, revolutions punctuated by violence across the Arab world.

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Clinton mole inside White House exposed

Haitians demand White House Aide’s head for Sabotaging Trump

Jerome R. Corsi – FEBRUARY 7, 2017

NEW YORK – Former reality television star Omarosa Manigault, once rated the “most hated reality star of all time” for her appearance on Donald Trump’s NBC hit show The Apprentice, has used her White House position to hijack President Trump’s resolve to become Haiti’s “greatest champion,” uprooting the legacy of Clinton corruption on the troubled Caribbean island nation.

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Half of California State Senate leaders Family here Illegally

So why is he not in jail for knowingly harboring Criminals? Breitbart News – California State Senate President Pro Tem Kevin De Léon (D-Los Angeles) said last Tuesday that “half his family” was in the country illegally, using false documents, and eligible for deportation under President Trump’s new executive order against “sanctuary” jurisdictions. De Léon, … Click here to Read more

Breaking News: Reason for Protests and Riots Discovered!

Here is the problem with all the Ass Clowns protesting around American against Trump. Their Heroin is tainted and is making them really stupid and inept!

George Soros is funding the addiction! Refuse Fascism Group Behind Berkeley Riot Received $50k from George Soros

Heroin use fuels surge of ER visits among California millennial’s

Daily News – California’s millennials continue to flood hospital emergency departments because of heroin, a trend that has increased steadily statewide and in Los Angeles and Orange counties over the past five years, according to the latest figures.

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Iran vows ‘roaring missiles’ if threatened, defies new sanctions

Seems to me there is a Bible verse that parallels that: 1st Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:”

In the first Gulf war, 1991, Saddam Hussein shot scud missiles at Israel. They fell short of the targets or went off course and no people were killed. Read Psalms 91 and pay close attention to verse 5 as you read: Psalms 91:5 “Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow (Missile) that flieth by day; They can run their demonic mouths all they want, but unless the Lord allows those missiles to come to target, aint nothing happening scooter!

Just like the Devil, Iran’s father, they are liars. John 8:44 “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” 

You can’t trust a Muslim because they will practice Taqiyya on you, as evidenced in the DEAL Obama made with them!

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Egypt identifies France machete attacker

French soldiers shot and critically wounded a man who shouted “Allahu Akbar” as he attacked them with a machete on Friday at the Louvre, the world’s most visited museum.

Police sources said the attacker was a 29-year-old with Egyptian identity papers who arrived in France last month. He was reportedly identified on Friday night as Abdullah Reda Refaei al-Hamamy. Source.

Seems this Jihadist listened to the babbling’s and message of a Muslim leader to Christians:

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Report: Republican Scum and Catholics funded by George Soros

Senator John McCain, Paul Ryan, and Marco Rubio all received generous funding from George Soros in 2016, and McCain’s financial association with the globalist billionaire dates back to at least 2001, according to a new report by

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Communists Destroy their own Educational Outlet

Stock up on popcorn and snacks for the next 8 years folks. I think this is why Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey shut down. They can no longer compete because you can see a better Circus filled with more Clowns then you can shake a stick at right from your TV or Computer!

Rampaging, Masked Protesters Destroying Berkeley Campus, Setting Fires, over Milo Speech

Update Feb. 3: FBI Allegedly Investigating Mayor of Berkeley, CA For Inciting Riot And Ordering Police to Stand Down – CNN Doing Damage Control

Isaiah 19:2-3 “And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians:(Communist Democrat against Communist Democrat) and they shall fight every one against his brother, and every one against his neighbour; city against city, and kingdom against kingdom. 3 And the spirit of Egypt (Communist Democrats) shall fail in the midst thereof; and I will destroy the counsel thereof: and they shall seek to the idols, and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards.

Director Judd Apatow Supports Far-Left Berkeley Riot, Warns ‘This is Just the Beginning

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New York Mayor: Drunk driving by illegal alien could be ‘a very minor offense’

Rick Moran  American Thinker – How far will the mayor of a sanctuary city like New York go to shield illegal aliens from deportation who break the law?

If the offense is “minor,” the illegal should be protected from the feds, says New York mayor Bill de Blasio. That includes grand larceny and drunk driving.

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Muslim Refugee in Germany with Four Wives and 23 Children Claims $389,000 a Year off of Benefits

News Flash: They are doing it here in America too! It was maybe 6-7 years ago I was in a local eatery (which I wont name) waiting for my food to be prepared. In walks a lady and places her order. She mentioned in casual conversation to the Cook/Cashier it was tough raising 4 children. The Cook/Cashier looks at her and proudly proclaims “I have Fourteen (14)”! Now this gentleman was only about 25-30 yrs. of age so it is a stretch to think that one woman could have that many in such a short time. The lady looked at me with wide eyes and I told her that he was a Muslim and probably has 3 or 4 wives! I have seen similar instances in these establishments that are Muslim owned!

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California Traitors wants to make the WHOLE State a Sanctuary for Illegals!

I am all for it!  Yes, let them ALL migrate to the Sodomy State! When those who are enemies of the country and God have relocated, Maybe, just maybe the fault lines will let loose solving the problem quickly and Justly!

Let ALL Democrats move there so they can be Justly dealt with also!

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