Quebec City Canada Mosque attacked 6 dead

6 dead, 2 arrested after shooting at Quebec City mosque

Gunmen ‘shout Allahu Akbar’ in Sunday prayer attack. “It seemed to me that they had a Québécois accent. They started to fire, and as they shot they yelled, ‘Allahu akbar!’

Two suspects were arrested, one of whom was apprehended after a chase that ended near l’île d’Orléans. Their identities have not been released.

Why have the identities not been released? Because they are Muslims! Only Muslims Shout Allahu akbar when attacking!They were not White People so they cant use it to demonize Trump!

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Globalist’s Panic, Leftists Freaking out, Patriots Praise Trump Immigration Ban

The Globalists, Hollywood, and Communist Democrats are in Meltdown Mode!

The left is scrambling to unite against Trump and the banning of Muslims. Here are some headlines gleaned from various news outlets with Drudge Report leading the way in reporting the meltdown! 

EMERGENCY, Someone get some Midol and Tampons! Emotional Chuckie Schumer vows fierce Hill opposition with fellow Communists

This post will be constantly Updated with news article links as more Snowflakes Melt, and weak Patriot types grow some gonads and take a stand with Trump! Check Back daily!

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Muslim extremists akin to Planned Parenthood!

Cut from the same Satanic Mold, Muslims now using babies in suicide attacks!

Muslims are now like the murderers at Planned Parenthood and other Abortion mills. Muslim women have no regard for human life just like their murdering male counterparts! They now use babies as a way to offer up human sacrifice to Lucifer just like the Satanists in the abortion mills do.

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Reichstag Fire at Victoria Texas Mosque?

Just in time for Communists to have something to point to and rally around.

Jon Watkins  Government Propaganda  January 29, 2017

Update January 31:  Burned Texas mosque gets $1m from donors Follow the $$$

It’s called a false flag operation. Attack, Burn, Vandalize your own stuff to blame the opposition, gain support and sympathy for your cause.

Hitler did it it to blame the opposition. The Bush Criminal Cabal and their cohorts did it on 911!  And now he Communist Democrats are in a melt down over Trump halting Jihadists flooding into the country, and they will stop at nothing to get the flood gates open again!

VICTORIA, TX (KTRK) January 28, 2017 — An early-morning fire Saturday destroyed a Texas mosque that was a target of hatred several years ago and experienced a burglary just a week ago.

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Measles is not a Virus

Biologist Proves Measles Isn’t A Virus, Wins Supreme Court Case Against Doctor
In a recent ruling, judges at the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) confirmed that the measles virus does not exist. Furthermore, there is not a single scientific study in the world which could prove the existence of the virus in any scientific literature. This raises the question of what was actually injected into millions over the past few decades.

25 Million Dead and Illegal “Registered Voters” in 2016

Trump proven right: millions of dead and invalid voters not included in study showing 800,000 illegals for Hillary!

Kit Daniels  Prison January 27, 2016

A study revealing that over 800,000 non-citizens voted for Hillary Clinton doesn’t account for dead and fraudulent voters, which accounted for over 25 million “registered voters” during the 2012 presidential election – and little has changed since then.

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Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard: ‘There Are No Moderate Rebels’ after Secret Visit to Syria

“The reality is… every place that I went, every person that I spoke to, I asked this question to them, and without hesitation, they said, there are no moderate rebels. Who are these moderate rebels that people keep speaking of?

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard made damning statements about the U.S. role in Syria in a CNN interview — noting that “there are no moderate rebels” — after a secret four-day fact-finding mission to Syria in which she met with everyday Syrians, and eventually met with President Bashar al-Assad.

“I wanted to see if there was in some small way, a way that I could express the love and the aloha and the care that the American people have for the people of Syria, and to see firsthand what was happening there, to see that situation there,” Gabbard told CNN’s Jake Tapper on Wednesday.

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The Criminality of the CDC

Boom—how and why the CDC can foist toxic vaccines on the American people

by Jon Rappoport January 26, 2017

From Kennedy’s video presentation, “7 Minutes on the CDC,” Anne Dachel (Age of Autism) has transcribed excerpts. This is explosive material, particularly because there is a chance Kennedy will head up an investigation of vaccine safety under Trump.

Kennedy understands the inherent conflict of interest at the CDC, which operates as a vaccine sales and marketing company, while at the same time posing as a neutral scientific body that assesses vaccine safety—AND OF COURSE, THE CDC PRESENTS AN EVER-EXPANDING SCHEDULE OF “NECESSARY” VACCINES TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

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