Six People Shot in Chicago at a Memorial for a Gunshot Victim?

Yea the headline is correct and you read it right. Chicago is one of the most gun restricted cities in America, yet it has one, if not the highest murder rates due to GUNS!! Read Can anything good come out of Chicago.

Trump Asks “What The Hell’s Going In Chicago?” Gets One-Word Answer……. Wait for it….. DEMOCRATS!

See that along with Video at Zero Hedge.

Daily Caller January 26, 2017 – A Chicago gang shot six people during a vigil Wednesday night for the victim of a city shooting.

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Why is the Mexican President is against the Wall? Follow the Money and Drugs!

REVELATION: He is in cahoots with the Drug Running Murderers! He is a no good piece of Satanic Trash just like all the rest of the Globalists.

Juarez Cartel Used Shell Companies to Finance Mexican President’s Election

An in-depth investigation has revealed that through the use of shell companies, members of the Juarez Cartel financed the political campaign of Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto. The cartel members appear to have also used government programs to launder money and profit form their networks of contacts.

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Madeleine Albright is Double Minded a threat to Society

Madeleine Albright: I’m ‘Ready To Register As Muslim’ To Fight Trump

James 1:8 “A double minded man (in this case a stupid Silly Woman) is unstable in all his (HER) ways.”

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright claimed Wednesday she would register herself a Muslim as an act of defiance against President Donald Trump’s immigration plans.

“I was raised Catholic, became Episcopalian & found out later my family was Jewish. I stand ready to register as Muslim in #solidarity,” Albright tweeted.

One thing is for sure, She does not know Jesus in any way shape or form and will burn in Hell! Oh and she said women who did not vote for Crooked Hillary had a special place in hell… See that in Silly White Women Link below!!

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Immigration Battle

Texas Governor, Sanctuary City Austin Clash Over Immigration

Texas Governor Greg Abbott vowed to cut funding to Austin’s new sheriff after she announced her county would scale back cooperation with federal immigration officials over deportations, marking a showdown over so-called sanctuary cities that may resonate beyond the Lone Star state.

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Terrorists Receive $221 Million from Obama in last Traitorous Act

US quietly sent $221M to Palestinians in Obama’s last hours

Officials said Monday that the Obama administration– in its waning hours– defied Republican opposition and quietly released $221 million to the Palestinian Authority that GOP members of Congress had been blocking.

A State Department official and several congressional aides told The Associated Press that the outgoing administration formally notified Congress it would spend the money Friday morning.

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Audit the Fed

Trump Expected to Sign ‘Audit the Fed’ Bill Reintroduced in Congress

Donald Trump has openly stated his support for auditing the Federal Reserve, which is largely exempt from GAO audits and oversight, and, aside from our beloved intelligence community, is probably one of the least transparent parts of our glorious Deep State.

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Twas the Night Before Inauguration

This goes along with a similar one penned by a friend of mine who wished to remain Anonymous. Twas the Eve before Destruction  in 2004 By Anonymous Submitted to 100% FED Up January 16, 2017 Twas the night before Inauguration, and up in the tower The Donald reflected on his newfound power. The Deplorable masses … Click here to Read more