Hillary Clinton IS a Traitor!

Hillary Clinton approved arms sales, including chemical weapons, to terror supporting countries after they paid her off

As corporate media talking heads accuse Trump of being a traitor, Clinton’s numerous shady dealings are ignored

INTELLIHUB January 2, 2017 — Over the last few weeks we have seen leftist “journalists” openly declare president-elect Donald Trump a traitor due to his supposed ties to Russia and their “hacking” of the DNC.

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Wickedness has entered in Iraq

Wickedness has taken over in the name of liberation and Democracy!!

Jon Watkins  Government Propaganda   June 13, 2014

Matthew 12:45 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.

There have been many news articles in recent days about the declining situation is Iraq as well as other countries that have been “Democratized” by the Coalition forces. I have often thought of the above scripture and how it parallels the situation in Iraq, and can also pertain to Libya, Afghanistan, Egypt, Syria or anywhere else we have went in and removed the Evil Spirit in control. When good meaning people cast demons out of a person, or Dictators from countries, when they don’t know what they are doing, WILL make the end result worse then it was, as we now see is the situation in the Middle East.

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Chicago Ends 2016 with Nearly 800 Homicides for the Year

Breitbart News January 2, 2017 – Gun-controlled Chicago ended 2016 with nearly 800 homicides throughout the year. The Chicago Tribune reports that there were a total of 779 homicides between January 1, 2016, and December 31, 2016. That is an increase of 287 homicides over 2015 totals. There were 4,385 shootings — fatal and non-fatal … Click here to Read more

Texas Parents Told They Will Be Charged & Arrested if They Walk Their Children to School

This is what a Police State looks like in miniature! All we need are the uniforms and the Salute!

Star Trek the Original Series addressed this lesson from history not to try and fix societies woe’s. Sadly, we are going the way of the Nazi’s on a global scale and many can’t see the forest through the individual trees.

DC Clothesline December 29, 2016 – Magnolia, TX — Walking your child to and from school in Magnolia, Texas can now end in your extortion through fines and even jail time thanks to a new policy implemented by the school’s principal. Bear Branch Elementary School parents have done some hard learning since the year began about the relationship between schools and the American police state after they were told they will be charged with trespassing for walking their own children onto school grounds.

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Woman and the Snake

Trump reads The Snake Lyrics Al Wilson sings The Snake Songwriters: Milan Pilar The Snake lyrics © EMI Music Publishing On her way to work one morning Down the path along side the lake A tender hearted woman saw a poor half frozen snake His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew … Click here to Read more

America and Islam cannot exist together Part 2

We’re here, We’re here and most in government and media are ignoring the cry! They are here, and they are recruiting! – Part 2 A recent Survey shows most Americans know little or nothing about Islam! Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject … Click here to Read more