Black Man Arrested for Burning of Black Mississippi Church

Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church in Greenville was burned on November 1st, and the words “Vote Trump” were spray-painted on the outside of it. On December 21 the Mississippi Department of Public Safety made an arrest in the arson case and the suspect is black. The suspect–Andrew McClinton–is from Leland, Mississippi.

9/11: The Ultimate Inside Job And False Flag Operation

Ten Reasons Why 9/11 Was “The Ultimate Inside Job And False Flag Operation”


1. The Twin Towers at the World Trade Center did not come down as a result of passenger airplanes hitting them; rather they were controlled demolitions.

2. Building #7 was never hit by an airplane and was brought down by a perfectly controlled demolition as proven by several different videos of the engineered collapse.

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Aspartame Sweet Misery

How Aspartame was approved with Donald Rumsfeld’s help Michelle Obama launches new supermarket shopping guide, but no mention of GMO, aspartame, MSG 9/12/2012 – Michelle Obama has reportedly developed a new shopping guide as part of her Let’s Move campaign against obesity that offers Americans some personal tips on how best to shop for food … Click here to Read more

‘Twas the Eve before Destruction

A tribute to Homeland Security and all under its umbrella By Jon Watkins  Government Propaganda 12/14/04 revised 11-25-2012 You may reproduce this but give credit where credit is due. It was originally penned by a friend who wishes to remain anonymous. I revised the original wording a bit in 2012 ‘Twas the eve before destruction, … Click here to Read more

Russian ambassador to Turkey dead

Russian ambassador to Turkey dead after being shot in ‘assassination attempt in revenge for Aleppo’

The gunman reportedly said ‘We die in Aleppo, you die here’ before opening fire and injuring Ambassador Andrei Karlov

Turkey December 19, 2016 – Russia’s ambassador to Turkey has been assassinated in front of terrified witnesses allegedly in retaliation for the crisis in Aleppo.

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Flood of Illegals Straight Month

Flood of Illegals Rises for 5th Straight Month: 1,574 PER DAY

MRCTV December 19, 2016 – About 1,574 – that’s how many illegal aliens were apprehended at the U.S. Mexico border per day during the month of November, marking the fifth straight month of escalating illegal immigration into the southwest United States. And now, in addition to the tens of thousands of illegals streaming in from Central America, officials are reporting increased waves of Cubans and Haitians crossing into the United States via Mexico.

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Evidence Obama birth certificate ‘fake’ heading to Congress

Investigators facing deadline with replacement for Sheriff Joe looming

Will Congress finally take act against the “long legged Mac Daddy” Muslim Traitor? Will they Jail or Exile the Traitor and void ALL of his Traitorous actions over the last eight years? Probably not, but hey we can be “Dreamers” too!!! 

World Net Daily December 17, 2016 – Evidence that the document presented to the American public by Barack Obama as his Hawaiian birth certificate is fake soon will be heading to members of Congress, and the difficult discussions over what crimes may have been committed and what should be done could begin soon.

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