Assange: It IS NOT the Russians!

Assange Emerges to Confirm Russia Was NOT the Source of DNC/Podesta Leaks

The sore losers and all around pieces of trash have no morals or sense of decency. They are Communists and will stop at nothing to hold on to power. They must be eradicated! As the Daleks on Dr. Who regurgitate, Exterminate, Exterminate!

DC Clothes Line December 16, 2016 – In an interview with Sean Hannity on Thursday, founder Julian Assange officially and definitively declared Russia did not provide hacked documents to Wikileaks — directly contradicting nebulous intelligence reports from unknown officials with the CIA.

“Our source is not the Russian government,” Assange told Hannity.

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Starving Yemeni Children

The only way to end the humanitarian crisis is to end the conflict!

Note: These Bastards want suffering. It is like a narcotic to them to see starving children while the live high on the hog and masturbate to the suffering of others. UNICEF, The United Nations is nothing more then a group of satanists in disguise!

Anti War December 16, 2016 – While the world is transfixed on the epic tragedy unfolding in Syria, another tragedy – a hidden one – has been consuming the children of Yemen. Battered by the twin evils of war and hunger, every ten minutes a child in Yemen is now dying from malnutrition, diarrhea and respiratory-tract infections. A new UNICEF report shows over 400,000 Yemeni children suffering from severe acute malnutrition. Without immediate medical attention, these children will die. The situation is so dire that over half of the entire nation’s 25 million people lack sufficient food.

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Media pushed Muslim ‘Hate Crime’ Hoax Without Fact Checking

Muslim’s Tale of Subway Terror from Trump Supporters Exposed as a Faux Hate Crime and Fake News

Breitbart News Decenber 14, 2016 – Yasmin Seweid disappeared. Then her story did.

The Baruch College freshman’s tale of subway harassment by a trio of inebriated Donald Trump-supporting assailants unraveled on Wednesday after New York City police failed to find a single witness or any security footage corroborating the teen’s colorful account.

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Barack Hussein Obama’s Fake Birth Certificate

Sheriff’s probe finds Obama birth certificate ‘fake’
Years of forensics investigation confirmed ‘birther’ suspicions right all along

No surprise to people with a lick of common sense!

WND December 15, 2016 – A years-long forensics investigation into the computer image of the long-form Hawaiian birth certificate image that Barack Obama released during a White House news conference during his first term and presented to the American people as an official government document concluded it is “fake.”

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Ruth Bader Ginsburg namesake for new species of insect

Ruth Bader Ginsburg the namesake for new species of insect – A Preying Mantis!

Yea I know it’s spelled “Praying”, but she is a “Preying” predator on the American people

Jewish Telegraphic Agency – June 3, 2016 – “Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the first female Jewish justice on the high court, now has an entire species — even if it is a rather small one: the leaf-dwelling Ilomantis ginsburgae.

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John McCain’s 1969 Tokyo Rose Propaganda Recording

John McCain’s 1969 “Tokyo Rose” Propaganda Recording Released Vero Beach, FL – (TRUNEWS) U.S. Senator John McCain recorded a Tokyo Rose-style propaganda message that was broadcast on North Vietnamese radio in 1969 TRUNEWS, a nonprofit Christian digital news app, obtained the bombshell audio recording and released it today on the organization’s daily newscast hosted by … Click here to Read more

Georgia Officials say DHS did it

Georgia official: Cyberattacks linked back to DHS
Secretary of state: ‘It makes you wonder if somebody was trying to prove a point’

(WSB_TV) The Georgia Secretary of State’s Office now confirms 10 separate cyberattacks on its network were all traced back to U.S. Department of Homeland Security addresses.

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NSA not the Russians

Judge Napolitano Says It Was The NSA, Not The Russians Who Hacked DNC

GateWay Pundit December 12, 2016 – Back in August, Judge Napolitano made some comments regarding the DNC hack.

On his show “Judge Napolitano’s Chambers”, Judge Nap shared his own thoughts on the leaked DNC emails:

The DNC and Clinton campaign decided to blame of all people, the Russians! They accused Vlademir Putin of being in cahoots with Donald Trump and having his intelligence services hack the DNC to expose e-mails to make Mrs. Clinton look bad and thereby benefit Donald Trump. But the Russians had nothing to do with it.

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Rogue Texas Elector Chris Suprun Married with 3 kids Bankrupt and a Pervert

Anti-Trump Elector Chris Suprun Paid For Ashley Madison While Bankrupt And Married With 3 Kids

Got News December 12, 2016 – Anti-Trump Texas faithless elector Stephen Christopher “Chris” Suprun, who wrote a widely-shared op-ed in The New York Times about his decision, joined and paid for cheating website Ashley Madison in 2012, using the same address registered to his 9/11 charity, while bankrupt, likely unemployed, and married with three young kids, after he and his working wife owed over $200,000 to multiple creditors — and that’s just the start of it.

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Mocking and Satire

Mocking and Satire Articles. Ban those Assault Hammers! Bernie Sanders gets Shafted by DNC Operatives.

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