The Communist News Network CNN: We’re Never Getting Back to Normal

Wearing face masks is going to become “permanent.” Paul Joseph Watson | CNN has published an article asserting that people need to accept that things are never “getting back to normal” and that mandatory coronavirus restrictions such as wearing face masks will become “permanent”. In a piece titled ‘There is no getting ‘back to … Click here to Read more

New Caravan of Illegal Aliens Heads for US

Hundreds of Central American migrants moving toward US border ahead of election Voice of America – Hundreds of Central American migrants have begun a long journey on foot in hopes of reaching the United States. The Associated Press reports the caravan left San Pedro Sula, Honduras, late Wednesday for the Guatemala border, which reopened two … Click here to Read more

Election Fraud: America Approaches The Guillotine

Nation reaching a boiling point Everything we have experienced over the course of this tumultuous hellscape of a year known as 2020 is not some organic mishap that synchronistically fell into place. We are being destroyed by design and the mask has come off. If Americans don’t awaken to the power grab of election fraud … Click here to Read more

Chinese Propaganda Campaign is What Has Caused the World to Go Into Lockdown

Research Shows Deliberate Chinese Propaganda Campaign Forced World Into Lockdown Communist regime flooded social media with fake videos and bots to whip up COVID hysteria. Paul Joseph Watson | Info Wars – Researcher and attorney Michael P. Senger suggests that the Chinese government launched an aggressive propaganda campaign to exaggerate the severity of coronavirus in … Click here to Read more

Communist Chinese Back the Marxist Terrorist Organization Black Lives Matter

Chinese State Media Outlet Throws Support Behind Black Lives Matter Posts cartoon of cops hunting down a black man. Paul Watson | Info Wars – Chinese state media outlet Xinhua has thrown its support behind Black Lives Matter with a cartoon that depicts police officers armed with pitchforks and torches hunting down a black man. … Click here to Read more

Updates on Operation Legend at Press Conference in Chicago

Attorney General William P. Barr Announces Updates on Operation Legend at Press Conference in Chicago DOJ – Today, at a press conference in Chicago, Attorney General William P. Barr announced updates to Operation Legend. Since the operation’s launch, there have been more than 2,000 arrests, including defendants who have been charged in state and local … Click here to Read more

New Super Virus has Emerged: TDD and DADD have Merged

It is NOT a Syndrome. It morphed into a Full Blown Disease long ago Communist Democrats are Pissing on your Head and telling you it’s Raining Trump Derangement Disease, T.D.D., will never be cured as it has combined with D.A.D.D. Dumb Ass Democrat Disease We will update you on the Disease as it progresses! Snowflake … Click here to Read more

Red Alert: The Communist MSM and Social Media are trying to Suppress this Burn Loot Murder Information!

Soros Bimbo BUSTED! Soros-Linked Bail Project Employee Rented U-Haul That Handed Out Shields to Potential Rioters Update: Good News—Soros Bimbo Arrested! Louisville Riot U-Haul Driver Arrested According to Leaked Internal Documents Jack Hadfield – Holly Zoller, a “bail disruptor” for the Soros-linked Bail Project, rented and drove the truck that handed out shields to potential … Click here to Read more

Stage 5 Trump Derangement Disease

It is NOT a Syndrome. It morphed into a Full Blown Disease long ago! ‘Stage 5 Trump Derangement Syndrome’ Has Kicked In Across America As Hysterical And Hypocritical Politicians & Leftists Go To War With Their ‘Scapegoat’: President Trump & His Supporters By Don Boys PHDs for All News Pipeline I don’t hate anyone, but … Click here to Read more

Trump Derangement Disease Has Fully Infected The Lunatic Democrats And Fake News Outlets

Wicked Witch Nasty Nancy Pelosi Will do ANYTHING to Stop SCOTUS Pick Maybe she will get her gaggle of Radical Feminist Witches, fire up a cauldron, and cast some spells! Jamie White | News Wars -House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hinted that Democrats may try to impeach President Trump again to stop him from nominating a … Click here to Read more

Is It Even Possible the Communist Lunatic Democrats Can Get Any Worse?

You bet they can and they will! So brace yourself, get ready,  and heed The Mike and the Mechanics song “Silent Running”! Luke 12:51-53 “Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: 52 For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three … Click here to Read more