Terrorist News Round Up for September 6 to September 19, 2020

Islam – Muslim – Jihad – Terrorist News Round Up ‘Jesus Came to Them in Dreams’: Scores of Muslims Converting to Christ in Iraq, Syria Given the recent interest in judging historical characters by their views on slavery, it bears mentioning that Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, owned and traded African slaves. Bahrain’s Top Cleric … Click here to Read more

Outnumbered Jezebel and Silly Women Harris Faulkner says they don’t Censor

Ole Newt Gingrich was certainly “Outnumbered” — by a Gaggle of High-minded Jezebel’s! 2nd Timothy 3:6-7  “For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” Fox’s Harris … Click here to Read more

Communist Mayor of Houston Texas is Collecting Blood Samples for the China Virus!

This Devil “strongly encourages” Houstonian’s voluntary participation. This is the frog in the pot of water to see what they can get away with!  And if you resist, they will haul you off to a reeducation camp!  Dem Mayor Launches Study That Will Collect Blood Samples From Randomly Selected Houston Homes Communist Sylvester Turner “strongly … Click here to Read more

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on Gun Control

Understanding Biden’s 2020 Platform and the Second Amendment “You don’t need an AR-15. It’s harder to aim, it’s harder to use, and in fact, you don’t need 30 rounds to protect yourself.” Joe Biden Sam Jacobs | AMMO.com – The one-two punch of the Wuhan Coronavirus explosion, and the civil unrest of early 2020, led … Click here to Read more

Now it is The Hoe and Joe! Harris-Biden Administration

The brain damage in Joe has taken its toll, and the Lord has opened the mouth of the Ass and the real agenda is spewed forth!   Joe Biden Pitches ‘Harris-Biden Administration’ to Florida Veterans Former Vice President Joe Biden pitched U.S. military veterans on the notion of a “Harris-Biden administration” on Tuesday afternoon during … Click here to Read more

Communist Anarchists Set Fires on the Left Coast: Communist Democrat Hierarchy Push Climate Change Hoax

Arsonist Agents Of The Left Set Fire To The West Coast As Democrat Leaders Blame Climate Change Obvious lies told in a desperate attempt to oust Trump Greg Reese – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Governor Gavin Newsom, L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti, and other Democrats are quick to blame the massive Pacific Northwest fires on … Click here to Read more

Antifa Girls DO NOT get Prettier at Closing Time!

Remember the song the Girls all get Prettier at Closing Time by Mickey Gilley? Back it my drunkard days that was true, but IF I was still a drunkard these days,  it would take an extra bottle of  beer and a mighty thick paper bag! Breitbart News – Several protesters in Portland have been arrested … Click here to Read more

Your Mail-In Ballot is NOT Safe in the Hands of Idiots

Willie Brown’s Hoe has “Great Faith” in the Postal Service, But I DO NOT! Post Office Warns 46 States It Cannot Handle a Surge in Ballots I will give you two examples as to WHY I don’t have any faith in them or my Local County Clerks office. I say they are Incompetent, Inept and … Click here to Read more

Is Scarecrow Joe Biden’s Brain Implant Malfunctioning?

Joe Biden Says ‘The Only Person Calling to Defund The Police Is Donald Trump’ Someone needs to fix the malfunction in Biden’s brain implant that he got from Elon Musk. It could be a glitch or it is wired wrong. It may even be one of his Inept handlers entering the wrong data, or his … Click here to Read more

Australia: Riot Police Drag Journalist to the Ground, Arrest Him For Covering Anti-Lockdown Protest

Yet another shocking example of draconian enforcement of coronavirus rules. Paul Watson | Summit News -Video footage out of Australia shows a journalist being dragged to the ground and arrested by riot police for the ‘crime’ of reporting from an anti-lockdown protest. Rebel Media’s Avi Yemeni was doing a piece to camera at an anti-lockdown … Click here to Read more

600 Pound Burn-Loot-Murder Hog: Whites are Racist and not Human!

I am at a loss for words on this one, so I will let Scripture and herself say it all! Isaiah 32:5-8 “The vile person shall be no more called liberal, nor the churl said to be bountiful. 6 For the vile person will speak villany, and his heart will work iniquity, to practice hypocrisy, … Click here to Read more