Russian Foreign Minister: New World Order is Here

Authored by L.Todd Wood via, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov declared today that the Western, liberal model of society is dying, and a new world order is taking its place. Lavrov made the comments at his annual meeting with students and professors at the Foreign Ministry’s Diplomatic Academy, reported Russian state news agency TASS. … Click here to Read more

First Baptist Dallas gets Threat from California Muslim

California Muslim writes: “I will assassinate your pastor in the name of Allah. I will burn down Christian churches” Jihad Watch – He also sent an envelope containing white powder to a Dallas church. It was found to be non-toxic, but it served the purpose of striking terror in the enemies of Allah, as the … Click here to Read more

Why won’t the MSM Talking Heads tell you about the Murdering Muslims around the World?

Answer: Because they can’t use it to push Gun Control here in America –  blame Trump for it – or push for internet censorship! They will NOT criticize their gods that they are using as pawns! Christian woman forced to watch Muslim terrorists butcher her husband But let a Nut Job, who may be a … Click here to Read more

Why was Christchurch New Zealand Killer in Pakistan in 2018?

NZ Shooter Went on Trip to Pakistan After Supposedly Becoming Radicalized By Ebba Akerlund Murder. Did the CIA get their hands on him! Is he an MK Ultra — Mind Controlled Manchurian Candidate like so many others? Chris Menahan | Information Liberation – There are some strange anomalies which are causing many people on social … Click here to Read more

One Size Fits All Vaccine is Wrong

Info wars – In 2014, a top Mayo Clinic researcher admitted something that rarely gets acknowledged: vaccines “work differently” for each of us Investigating the potential relationship between demographic factors and people’s immune response to rubella vaccination, the researcher discovered that African Americans produce more rubella antibodies than other racial/ethnic groups and “maybe” only need “half the … Click here to Read more

More ISIS Brides Stripped of Citizenship

Two UK women married jihadists linked to murdering western hostages Sputnik – The debates over how the UK should treat so-called “cubs of the caliphate” and their mothers, who fled to Syria to marry ISIS fighters but want to return back to Europe as the jihadists were curbed, has flared up over the case of … Click here to Read more

With every ILLEGAL coming in the Odds Favor a Crime against You or Someone you know

As Mr. Spock would say, “Logic Dictates” that the masses of illegals flooding through the border will increase your chances, or someone you love or know, of being in someway affected by the millions that are ALREADY here, and by the MILLIONS that are on there way here! Can a mathematician calculate how much the … Click here to Read more

Illegal Alien loving Communist Judge: Stop Removing Non-Citizens from Voter Rolls in Texas

Clinton-Appointed Judge To Texas: Stop Removing Non-Citizens From Voter Rolls Judge Fred Biery, a Clinton nominee, lives up to his nominator’s reputation as an embarrassment to the bench. San Antonio judge warns attorneys to behave or he’ll make them kiss in front of the Alamo Fred Biery: Texas Judge’s Strip Club Ruling Titillates America With Its … Click here to Read more

Project Veritas Exposes Facebook: Insider Reveals Systematic Political Targeting Of Conservatives

Explains ‘deboosting,’ ‘troll report,’ and other tactics designed to limit conservative speech A Facebook insider has given Project Veritas exclusive documents and an interview detailing how the platform’s engineers are policing and censoring political speech. “I saw things that were going on that I personally found to be troubling,” said an insider who was formerly … Click here to Read more

Yazidi girls as Young as 10 used as Sex Slaves by ISIS

Pregnant at 10, Yazidi girl trapped as sex slave in ISIS capital, children beaten with cables by jihadi brides Those are the same jihadi brides that the establishment media is agitating about, demanding that they be allowed to return to the US and the UK. The seizure of Infidel girls and their use as sex … Click here to Read more

Tommy Robinson Documentary #Panodrama Being Blocked Everywhere!

Free Speech in crosshairs, as globalist corporations move to silence independent voices Ladies and gentlemen, we finally have proof corrupt elements within the US and the UK, in coordination with George Soros groups, are working with the fake news media to make fake stories not just to de-platform people, but to put them in prison. … Click here to Read more