Sodomy State of California should have ALL Votes declared Invalid for allowing Illegals to Vote

Our Constitution permits only Citizens to serve in Congress (Art. I, §2, cl. 2 & §3, cl. 3); the President must be a ‘natural born Citizen’ (Art. II, §1, cl. 5); Article IV, §2, cl. 1 & §1 of the 14th Amendment refer to the “privileges and immunities of citizens”; and the 15th, 19th, 24th, … Click here to Read more

ISIS Flag is on the Mail Bomb Sent to CNN

Daily Beast journalist points out clue hiding in plain sight Paul Joseph Watson – A Daily Beast journalist has pointed out a clue to the motive behind the mail bombings that was hiding in plain sight – what appears to be an ISIS flag on the package addressed to John Brennan and CNN. “This looks … Click here to Read more

25% of Millennial’s Suffering from Trump Election PTSD

Trump Derangement Syndrome has morphed into Trump Derangement Disease and is infecting every single Communist Socialist Democrat and Progressive!!! News Wars – The 2016 election of Donald Trump was so traumatic for some liberal snowflakes that they’ve reported symptoms of PTSD, according to a study released Monday. Researchers surveyed students of Arizona State University, and … Click here to Read more

Communist Socialist Democrat Voter Base headed to America

Hondurans Paint Swastika On American Flag, Set It On Fire; Wave Honduran Flags, Give Us The Finger See more here  Thousands of Hondurans in U.S.-bound migrant caravan head into Mexico TAPACHULA, Mexico (Reuters) – A U.S.-bound caravan of thousands of mostly Honduran migrants whom President Donald Trump has declared unwelcome, began pouring into the Mexican … Click here to Read more

Hypocrite Democrats Urge Trump to Meddle in Hungary’s Elections

RonPaul Institute – There’s no hypocrisy like Capitol Hill hypocrisy. Congressional Democrats have been beating the dead horse of “Russian meddling” for nearly two years, obsessed with claims that “Russia hacked our democracy” and that a few Facebook posts from “Russia-linked” accounts are actually a massive Putin-led effort to make Americans lose faith in their … Click here to Read more

Four Crooked Democrats Arrested for Running Voter Fraud Ring

How many more of these Communists are out there around the country doing the same thing? I say 10’s of thousands because they can’t win or come close unless they Cheat!! Just like their daddy Satan! John 8:44 – Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. … Click here to Read more

Democrat Stacey Abrams: ‘Undocumented’ Immigrants are Part of the ‘Blue Wave’

In other words, VOTER FRAUD!! Breitbart News – Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams said Tuesday that the “blue wave” is comprised of “undocumented” immigrants, among many others. Abrams made these comments in front of supporters at the Clayton County campaign office during an event with Senator Elizabeth Warren, as first reported by The Washington Free … Click here to Read more

Deranged Democrat Caught with 200 lb Bomb!

Man Who Planned DC Suicide Bombing Wanted to Stop Republicans Suspending Electoral Process Domestic terrorist was “angry about the country’s direction” Paul Joseph Watson – The man accused of building an explosive device as part of an election day suicide bomb plot wrote of how he was “angry about the country’s direction” and wanted to … Click here to Read more

Christine Blasey Ford Created Manchurian Candidates in Mass Hypnotic Inductions

As I previously posted: Kavanaugh Accuser has CIA Ties: Is Christine Blasey Ford a product of MK Ultra CIA Mind Control? Well it has come to light that she is creating Manchurian Candidates! Christine Blasey Ford Ran Mass “Hypnotic Inductions” of Psychiatric Subjects as Part of Mind Control Research\ Funded by foundation linked to ‘computational … Click here to Read more

Do you have to be Sober to be a Supreme Court Justice?

Absolutely NOT, but it sure would be nice if they were! See a 3 part Series  Sipping Saints and Drunkards Proverbs 31:6  “Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts.” Galatians 5:21 “Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell … Click here to Read more

Poverty, Crime and Human Feces: This is Socialism and Communism!

If you want this to come to the rest of America, then Vote for a Democrat! If you want to clean up your city that is one of the DUNG HEAPS listed below, then kick the Democrats out! It is that simple.  If you vote for a Democrat, you are voting for Communism, Socialism, Humanism, … Click here to Read more