Bilderberg Globalists Concerned about Populist Uprising in Europe

Bilderberg globalists are concerned about the populist uprising sweeping Europe. Paul Watson – The annual elitist confab is set to meet this week in Turin, an appropriate venue given that Italy has just elected an anti-mass migration, eurosceptic coalition government. According to the group’s official website, the number one topic of conversation at this year’s … Click here to Read more

Former Texas Republican Congressman Steve Stockman found guilty of 23 felonies

Steve Stockman, a Republican former congressman from Texas, has been convicted of defrauding two conservative mega-donors and funneling their $1.25 million into personal and campaign expenses as part of what prosecutors have described as a “white collar crime spree.” A jury in federal court in Houston ruled Thursday afternoon that Stockman is guilty of all … Click here to Read more

MS-13 Gang Members are Animals

Jon Bowne – Long Island, New York knows exactly what Donald Trump meant when he directly referred to MS-13 as “animals.” As a panel met for the second time to address the extreme violence perpetrated by illegal aliens allowed to lurk on the streets of America, the left continues to double down. Washington Post columnist … Click here to Read more

The Government has Control of YOUR Child

A Santa Fe, TX minister said it best: “We have created a culture that does not value life, that does not honor God, that does not respect authority. We are reaping the consequences of those actions, and that’s not going to be reversed by a security guard or a metal detector.” “the long-term goal is … Click here to Read more

Fox News Bows to Allah: Installs Meditation Room with Muslim Prayer Rugs

Breitbart News Reports – With Suzanne Scott as the new CEO of Fox News, comes a meditation room complete with Muslim prayer rugs, reports the far-left Vanity Fair. “Fox News recently installed a “meditation room” complete with Muslim prayer rugs in Ollie North’s office, Vanity Fair says. On top of that, “Staffers now attend mandatory … Click here to Read more

A Judas Will Appear in the Alternative Media to Lead Us Astray

See Traitorous Jezebel’s and Judas’ Isaiah 53:6 “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.” Revelation 3:9 “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, … Click here to Read more

Muslims with Guns and Gas Bombs Storm a Catholic Church in Russia

An Official said the incident was under control in “just a few minutes”. He added: “Measures are being taken to identify the eliminated militants.  Two police officers and a churchgoer were killed as a result of Police response. Jihad Watch – The Islamic State recently called on Muslims in Russia to murder Christians “as a … Click here to Read more

Mexican citizen stole woman’s identity to vote in Texas elections

The ILLEGAL cast ballots in 2004, 2012, 2016 She must have been Vacationing in Mexico in 2008! KHOU Houston – A Mexican citizen living in Houston stole another woman’s identity to vote illegally, the Texas attorney general’s office says. Laura Janeth Garza, 38, was indicted last week on two counts of illegal voting. Attorney General … Click here to Read more

FOX News Confirms Obama And Hillary Knowingly Armed Al-Qaeda

Fox News finally comes out with old news that was brought to light 4 years ago! However the Gate Keepers would not touch the news!  Alex Jones on broke the story years ago with his Guests. One being Tosh Plumlee who is now in hiding in South America according to Alex. Maj. Anas … Click here to Read more

Philadelphia Election Official Admits to Rigging Votes for Democrats

So you don’t think there is election fraud? There is and the Communist Democrat Cult Members are the worse at the present time. CBS News in Philadelphia reports: Election Worker Pleads Guilty To Intimidating Voters Who Wanted To Vote For Non-Democratic Candidates A North Philadelphia election worker has pleaded guilty to election fraud during a 2017 … Click here to Read more

Mad Maxine Waters Hates America: Crazed Rant of House Floor

“I resent that and I resent the remark about making America great again.” “He’s down here making a speech for this dishonorable president of the United States of America. One thing you can say for certain is that Maxine Waters is full of hate and contempt for any one who is NOT a Communist or … Click here to Read more