Sharing ‘Hate Posts’ Online could Lead to Six Months in Jail under Newly Proposed Rules in the UK

Chris Menahan | Information Liberation – The rulers of what many are now calling “Cuck Island” want to throw Brits in prison for sharing or commented on so-called “hate posts” on social media. Though the crime rate in culturally enriched Britain is skyrocketing and London saw a 44% jump in its murder rate last year, … Click here to Read more

Killer Nikolas Cruz given Immunity from Arrest to ‘Fight Systemic Racism’

Chris Menahan | Information Liberation – School shooter Nikolas Cruz was protected from arrest by Broward county school district officials thanks to a “controversial disciplinary program” designed to combat “systemic racism” by limiting arrests of minority students. Broward county school district officials lied repeatedly for months by claiming otherwise. The Broward School District repeatedly lied … Click here to Read more

Are you funding EVIL? You are if you buy from Amazon!

Amazon, if you don’t know, is owned by the God hating Communist Democrat Jeff Bezos, who makes sometimes BILLIONS of dollars per day. He takes some of the MONEY YOU SEND HIM and FUNDS the very INSTRUMENTS of YOUR DEMISE! He also owns the Washington Post which is a den of Satanists, Witches, Homosexuals and … Click here to Read more

The Wrath of John “The Traitor” McCain

2nd Corinthians 6:14-15 “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?” Update 9/1/18: You can tell what a person believes and the fruit … Click here to Read more

Muslim Migrant “Accidentally” Rapes Belgian Woman

Well this one certainly qualifies for the Ignorance gone to Seed Award! Accidentally: by chance; inadvertently. Happening by chance or accident; not planned; unexpected. You “Accidentally” Pee or Drip on the floor (If you’re a Man that is! However, there may be some “butch” types that might try and that would be a disaster!) You … Click here to Read more

Man Thrown Out of London Assembly After Calling Out Migrant Crime

You can’t speak against the Golden Calf! Silenced for criticizing Mayor Sadiq Khan’s appeasement to Islamists in face of record crime rate. InfoWars – A Malaysian man was thrown out of a London Assembly event after questioning Mayor Sadiq Khan’s policies that have seen violent crime skyrocket in the city. Video shot earlier this month … Click here to Read more

April 2018 Syrian Chemical Attack was Staged Theatrics

“No Attacks, No Victims”: Syria Chemical Attack Video Participants Speak At OPCW Briefing “There were people unknown to us who were filming the emergency care, they were filming the chaos taking place inside, and were filming people being doused with water.” Proverbs 29:12 “If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked.” Zero … Click here to Read more

9/11 Families: Evidence of Explosives found at site of Terror Attack

We’ve had engineers, architects and pilots question the government’s conspiracy theory about 9/11. Now, a group representing families of 9/11 victims, the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, has filed a 52-page petition with 57 exhibits of conclusive evidence that explosives were planted and detonated.

LAPD Officer Arrested trying to Smuggle Immigrants Across Border

SAN DIEGO (CBSLA) — A Los Angeles police officer has been arrested on federal charges alleging he tried to smuggle two illegal immigrants into the United States this week in southeastern San Diego County. Mambasse Koulabalo Patara has been charged with violating immigration laws, according to a federal complaint filed Wednesday. He was arrested early … Click here to Read more

White Helmets Tried to Recruit Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters with Saudi Money

Always follow the money trail! I wonder how many TRAITORS of Humanity have taken the Bribe? Who are the biggest mouths and promoters of Globalism? Can you say Bono, Beyonce and J-Z and all the other Hellywood trash? Chris Menahan | Information Liberation – Wealthy Saudis tried to recruit Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters to push … Click here to Read more