Poll Confirms 77% Think ‘Traditional’ Media is FAKE NEWS

Trump Tweets “Fake News Networks” have a “sick and biased AGENDA.” Steve Watson –  A new Monmouth University poll finds that over three quarters of Americans believe that the old media, that being the likes of CNN and The New York Times, regularly report ‘fake news’. The survey asked respondents “Do you think some traditional major news … Click here to Read more

Jesus Christ vs. the Police State

A Blueprint for Resistance “In that dramatic scene on Calvary’s hill three men were crucified. We must never forget that all three were crucified for the same crime — the crime of extremism. Two were extremists for immorality, and thus fell below their environment. The other, Jesus Christ, was an extremist for love, truth and … Click here to Read more

Muslim Shag Wagon Gang in Oxford England

Abuse on ‘Massive Scale’, Men Drugged and Raped Girls in ‘Shag Wagon’ Breitbart – Seven men have been found guilty of grooming and raping underage girls aged 13 to 17, plying them with drink and drugs and abusing them at sex “parties” and in a van known as the “shag wagon”. The seven-man grooming gang … Click here to Read more

According to the CFR Trump is successfully killing the ‘Liberal World Order’!

I would not count my chickens before they hatch. These people NEVER give up and is the reason such HATRED for the President is escalating! Don’t let up on the Barrage of Truth against the enemy! Jamie White – The New World Order is on its last legs because of President Trump, says the Council … Click here to Read more

Second Amendment Rallies at ALL State Capitals on April 14, 2018

Will the MSM be as enthusiastic and will they cover it ad nauseum as they have done for the God Hating Communist Democrats with their March for Our Lives? Freedom Outpost  – A West Virginia man is organizing a national rally at every state capital in the nation in support of the Second Amendment on … Click here to Read more

Freedom of Speech is Everyone’s Right even when we don’t like it or agree with it!

Tolerance Cuts Both Ways: Freedom for the Speech We Hate Editors Note: It is always the Communist Loony Left that cry’s about being suppressed, and then turns around and tries to Muzzle those who don’t agree with them! They can’t win an honest debate and then resort to name calling, AKA your a Racist, a … Click here to Read more

Obama’s Brown Shirt Brigade Student Gun Control March Invades Washington

Notice to Visitors: My apology for the website being down overnight. Click the Info link above to get details. Mike titled it ‘Hitler Youth’ Student Gun Control March Invades Washington, but I think it is more apropos to label it Obama’s Brown Shirt Brigade! After all, he did just recently send a Chilling Message to … Click here to Read more

PA School has been Arming Classrooms with 5-Gallon Buckets of Rocks in the Event of a School Shooting

“If you have a 5-gallon bucket full of river stones, and we have 25 students and a teacher, it will serve as a deterrent.” Yea that will work out really good! The Arab’s throw Rocks too, but for another reason! Buzzfeed – The superintendent of a Pennsylvania school district has taken a unique approach to … Click here to Read more

Ex-FBI Assistant Director: Upcoming Inspector General Report is “Pure TNT”

Zero Hedge  March 17, 2018 Former FBI Assistant Director Chris Swecker said today that a highly anticipated report from the DOJ’s Inspector General Michael Horowitz will contain “some pure TNT.” Horowitz has been investigating the conduct of the FBI’s top brass surrounding the 2016 election for over a year. He also uncovered over 50,000 text messages between … Click here to Read more

Child Sex Crimes Soar By 30% In Sadiq Khan’s London

Is it just ‘part and parcel’ of living in a big city? No, It is because of a  no good Stinking Muslim Mayor,  letting no good Stinking Muslim adherents get away with Rape and Pillaging! Breitbart London – The number of sexual offenses committed against children in Sadiq Khan’s London has soared to 1,200 in … Click here to Read more

Austin Package Bombs Pressure-Activated, Assembled on Doorsteps similar to IEDs used in Middle East

Package bombs which exploded in Austin killing two were assembled and armed at residential doorsteps, a high-level law enforcement source told Infowars. Adan Salazar – The bombs, which are reported as being pressure plated, or pressure- activated explosives, are similar in design and function to IEDs used in the Middle East, an Infowars security officer … Click here to Read more