SHOCKING! A Blast of Electricity can make you RE-LIVE your Dreams or your Nightmares!

Psalms 4:8 “I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.” This must be the reason why Leftists and RINO’s, you know……. the Swamp Creatures, are in another reality. I bet they found out about this, and……, like being an addicted Crack Whore, are sticking … Click here to Read more

ISIS loving Teen attempted to detonate explosive device at Pine View High School in St. George, Utah

The Mentally ill don’t use guns only. They will use anything!  Terrorist Abu Muhammad al-Adnani said in 2014. “If you are not able to find an IED or a bullet, then single out the disbelieving American, Frenchman, or any of their allies. Smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife, or … Click here to Read more

Armed and Dangerous: If Police Don’t Have to Protect the Public, What Good Are They?

“To Protect and Serve” has become “To Pilfer and Enslave” – Jon Watkins 2012 Now don’t get me wrong, there are some very good people in law enforcement. But when evil minded men and women are involved and given a bit of power, things Can and do go awry, usually very fast! Just look what … Click here to Read more

Broward County Schools and Police Colluded to Shield Criminal Students

Clues about how Nikolas Cruz slipped through cracks are emerging Dan Lyman – Bombshell claims alleging collusion between Broward County law enforcement and the Broward school district to protect criminal students from arrests and disciplinary action have been leveled by a journalist familiar with the protocols in practice. According to information currently available, Parkland mass … Click here to Read more

Obama’s Brown Shirt Brigade Rises!

Posts Chilling Message to Teens Marching and Organizing For Gun Control ‘We’ve Been Waiting For You’ The Communist train is on track and is in full motion! Time for the sleeping masses to wake up and DERAIL the ride to HELL! The Gateway Pundit was the first publication to question the media’s agenda in only … Click here to Read more

The Connection between Mass Shootings and Psychiatric Drugs

Sprinkle enough drugs among enough people and you get otherwise unexplainable violence popping up… Jon Rappoport – I’ve been tracking the connection since 1999, when I wrote a long white paper, for the Truth Seeker Foundation, on school shootings and psychiatric drugs. The paper was titled: “Why Do They Do It? School shootings Across America.” … Click here to Read more

MK Ultra and Mass Murderers

A history of CIA mind control and the monsters it creates Jamie White – New questions about guns and mental health have surged to the front of the national debate in the wake of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas school shooting. And, like several infamous tragedies in American history, the circumstances surrounding the shooting by 19-year-old … Click here to Read more

Mitt Romney Moves to White Mormon Utah to Run for Senate

The main Mormon has moved back to the Demonic Lair to fill the seat of fellow Mormon Orrin Hatch. All of this is a prelude to RUN AGAINST Donald Trump in 2020! The Bush Cabal is probably behind it. You also can be sure fellow Devil Glenn Beck will be supporting him. Chris Menahan Information … Click here to Read more

Fox News and Sean Hannity in Bed with and Protecting the Drug Companies

Illustrating his network’s subservience to big pharma, FOX News’ Sean Hannity blatantly cut off a reporter when she mentioned the fact that most mass shootings are linked to psychotropic drugs. Also see: Big Pharma gives MSM Billions in Ad Revenue From Prozac to Parkland: Are Psychiatric Drugs Causing Mass Shootings? Free Thought Project –  Stephen … Click here to Read more

Big Pharma gives MSM Billions in Ad Revenue

Mind-Altering Drug Makers Fund Anti-Gun Media.  So the Blood of all the children who have been murdered by psychos on anti-depressants and all other drugs prescribed by Quacks, peddled by pharmacists, and then pushed by ads on TV, are on their hands and GOD will hold them accountable! Kit Daniels –  It isn’t surprising the … Click here to Read more