212 Illegals rounded Up: Immigrant rights activists block Homeland Security van from accessing Metropolitan Detention Center

A crowd of immigrant rights advocates blocked a Homeland Security van late Thursday from accessing the Metropolitan Detention Center in downtown Los Angeles. Video footage showed dozens of people standing in the street, in front of a marked van, chanting, “Drive out ICE!” and “Stop the deportations!” Some held signs. The protest was in response … Click here to Read more

Trump to Tackle ‘Mental Health’ Issues Following Florida School Shooting

‘It is not enough to simply take actions that make us feel like we are making a difference. We must actually make that difference’ Infowars.com – President Donald Trump vowed to take on mental health issues Thursday following a school shooting in Florida that took the lives of 17 students. During an address to the … Click here to Read more

False Flag Operation in Florida School: Second Shooter Reported in Florida School Massacre

The FBI Was Warned About A School Shooting Threat From A YouTube User Named Nikolas Cruz In September So why did they not do something? They did! They watched him and may have groomed him to carry it out or made him a patsy! DEMOCRAT Nicolas de Jesus Cruz Here are the facts you need … Click here to Read more

Muslim attacks Pew Setters and Priest with Machete at a Catholic Church in Indonesia

A 22-year-old (MUSLIM) man armed with a machete attacked a priest and several churchgoers after he stormed a Catholic church in the Indonesian city of Yogyakarta. The priest, identified as Karl Edmund by the Jakarta Post, was officiating at St Lidwina Church on Sunday when he was struck in the back of the head after … Click here to Read more

Report: Bill Clinton Offered Lynch Scalia’s Seat During Tarmac Meeting

QAnon hints WikiLeaks has tape and/or transcript of Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting Jerome Corsi -WASHINGTON, D.C. – Tuesday morning QAnon dropped two posts that suggest in their famous tarmac meeting, former President Bill Clinton offered to then-Attorney General Lynch the Supreme Court seat of murdered Antonin Scalia, in exchange for Lynch making sure the FBI investigation … Click here to Read more

Chelsea “Billy Goat” Clinton

Texts Show FBI Lovers Mocked Chelsea Clinton’s ‘Billy Goat Speech Tic’ Peter Strzok claimed Chelsea sounded like a goat in her DNC speech I bet they are ousted from their jobs now! You don’t attack the “Golden Goat” and get away with it! Infowars.com – Newly-released texts between FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page … Click here to Read more

Report: CIA Gave $100k To Russian Offering Dirt On Trump, Including The Sex Video

If the video showed Trump, it would support claims made in the infamous Steele dossier Daily Caller – The CIA paid $100,000 last year to a Russian operative who claimed to have derogatory information about President Trump, including a video tape of the Republican engaged with prostitutes in a Moscow hotel room. If the video … Click here to Read more

Black Lives Matter now into Globalism, Diversity, ‘Queer-Affirming,’ Common Core

Breitbart News – The Black Lives Matter movement is using Black History Month as a vehicle to insert its agenda into public schools across the country, using curriculum for elementary and middle school students that includes teaching diversity, globalism, and “queer affirming” lessons — all in formats conforming to the controversial Common Core framework. The … Click here to Read more

DOJ, FBI Continued to Spy on Trump in White House

Grassley-Graham letter references Trump surveillance renewals through June 2017 Jerome Corsi – WASHINGTON, D.C. – The less highly-redacted version of the criminal referral letter written by Sen. Charles Grassley and Sen. Lindsey Graham made public on Tuesday provides evidence the Department of Justice and FBI were conducting FISA court-approved electronic surveillance of President Trump in … Click here to Read more