CNN Analyst Threatens Trump Again! Says FBI Will Get Revenge

‘We’re going to win,’ he says! No you’re not you Luciferian scum! You are fighting against the God of Heaven and you arrogance will be your downfall! InfoWars – CNN analyst and former CIA agent Philip Mudd said the FBI is “ticked” over the FISA memo’s release and warned the bureaucracy is determined to get … Click here to Read more

Mentally Ill Inmate Population keeps Growing in the Sodomy State of California

Gee I wonder why with all the Drugs, Sexual Perversion and Disease the illegals bring in! By the grace of God several more of the Mentally Ill Politicians will increase the inmate population with the following: Mad Maxine Waters, Nasty Nancy Pelosi, Krazy Kamala Harris, Dirty Dianne Feinstein, Jerk Jerry Brown and other mentally Ill … Click here to Read more

Italy: Teen Girl Chopped into Pieces by Nigerian Migrant

Chris Menahan Information Liberation – The blood of these victims is on the hands of the politicians who opened their nation’s borders. Chris is correct! The Bible is explicit that a leader, the watchman is responsible for the people! Ezekiel 33:2-6 “Son of man, speak to the children of thy people, and say unto them, … Click here to Read more

Infowars Releases Secret FISA Memo

Here’s the reported memo leaked to Infowars Update: Despite media claims to the contrary, our congressional sources confirmed that the below memo documenting NSA spying on US citizens serves as a primary source of information for the Nunes summary memo: Kit Daniels – William Binney, former tech head of the NSA contacted us this morning … Click here to Read more

Muslim Astronomy Professor talks about Koran and his Moon god instead of Astronomy

Fox 4 – Students attending a lecture at Tarrant County College were so frightened by their professor’s behavior during a recent class that they had to leave the room. When TCC Adjunct Professor Daniel Mashburn walked into his Astronomy class Tuesday night, several students were alarmed by his behavior. Some thought it was a joke … Click here to Read more

UK: Defense Lawyer for Muslim attacker says victim would have “forgotten” about sexual assault “in two or three days”

Jihad Watch – Raj Chopra was inadvertently giving the world a glimpse into the future of Britain. The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take “captives of the right hand,” 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30). The Qur’an says: “O Prophet, tell your … Click here to Read more

The FBI and DOJ’s Secret Society! Who would have Thunk that?

Breitbart – Federal Bureau of Investigation officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page discussed in text messages a “secret society” set up within the Justice Department and the FBI after the 2016 election, according to two House Judiciary Committee members who have seen the latest release of text messages between them. “We learned today about information … Click here to Read more

Tranny Manning Crashes ‘Night For Freedom Rally’ In NY

In addition to learning how to pick up a bar of soap properly, HE ‘Learned in prison that the best way to confront your enemies is face-to-face in their space,’ Manning says. News Wars – Chelsea Bradley Manning has made a shock appearance at an event celebrating the first anniversary of Donald Trump’s inauguration, organized … Click here to Read more

CNN Wants President to have a Heart Attack! Remember the CIA Heart Attack Gun?

MSM conditioning public for Trump’s “heart attack” Kit Daniels – CNN keeps predicting Trump will die of a heart attack, which brings to mind the CIA poison dart gun that can trigger one. Revealed by the Church Committee in 1975, the “heart attack gun” is a modified 1911 that can shoot a dart with a … Click here to Read more

Dirty Cop Busted Running Drugs, Protecting Drug Lords and Selling Police Beat Downs

TFTP – Los Angeles, CA — Kenneth Collins, a 15-year veteran of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, was arrested this week in an undercover FBI sting operation. Collins, along with three alleged accomplices were arrested and charged this week with conspiracy to distribute controlled substances. It turns out the drug traffickers were actually FBI … Click here to Read more