Dianne Feinstein: One of the Wicked Witches of the West

This vial demon not only is heading up the Gun grab agenda, but she is also loves to kill babies via support of Abortion. The Wicked Witch is a Roman Catholic so it is no surprise she Loves Homosexuals and is a Liberal. She should not only be put on trial for the gun grabbing, … Click here to Read more

The Bohemian Grove

This appears as one article written by Alex Newman at the New American. I have broken it down into 3 parts: Deep State and Secret Societies: The Illuminati Part 1 – Skull and Bones Brotherhood of Death Part 2 – The Bohemian Grove Part 4 and then I added The Masons The Bohemian Grove Another … Click here to Read more

Skull and Bones: Brotherhood of Death

This appears as one article written by Alex Newman at the New American. I have broken it down into 3 parts: Deep State and Secret Societies: The Illuminati Part 1 – Skull and Bones Brotherhood of Death Part 2 – The Bohemian Grove Part 4 and then I added The Masons Skull and Bones: Brotherhood … Click here to Read more

Deep State Secret Societies: Skull and Bones – Bohemians – Illuminati

This appears as one article written by Alex Newman at the New American. I have broken it down into 3 parts: Deep State and Secret Societies: The Illuminati Part 1 – Skull and Bones Brotherhood of Death Part 2 – The Bohemian Grove Part 4 and then I add The Masons Also see a list … Click here to Read more

What is all the Fuss over a Word MOST people use Everyday?

Lindsey Graham Called Mexico a ‘Hellhole’ in 2013, Blasts Trump for ‘Shit-hole’ comment! ShitHole, Hellhole, Cesspool ETC. What is the difference? Absolutely Nothing! Game Challenge below! It is NOT about the word! It is because TRUMP USED the word! They hate him with a passion and do every thing they can to distract from their … Click here to Read more

Turkish State Institutions says Girls can Marry and get Pregnant at Aged 9

Turkey’s top state religious institution has issued a new fatwa on marriage announcing that girls can get married and become pregnant as young as 9 years old. The Diyanet, otherwise known as the Directorate of Religious Affairs, is an official state institution whose role is “to execute the works concerning the beliefs, worship, and ethics … Click here to Read more

Snopes Debunked on Claim New York Times Didn’t Collude With Hillary Clinton

Snopes, the left wing website that supposedly “debunks” fake news has itself been debunked after new Wikileaks emails revealed that the New York Times colluded with Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State. Back in October 2016, Snopes attempted to debunk our assertion that the New York Times had colluded with Clinton’s campaign by … Click here to Read more

FBI probed for Election Interference

House Intel Committee investigates plot to stop Trump World Net Daily WASHINGTON – What began as an investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election has now become a probe into how federal law enforcement conspired to stop Donald Trump from becoming president. The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has expanded its investigation that … Click here to Read more

Chrislam: Europe Folds to the Islamization of Christmas

Globalists erase Europe’s identity InfoWars – zerohedge.com – The re-theologizing of Christmas is based on the false premise that the Jesus of the Bible is the Jesus (Isa) of the Koran. This religious fusion, sometimes referred to as “Chrislam,” is gaining ground in a West that has become biblically illiterate. This year’s Christmas season has … Click here to Read more