“Mental Health Issues”: Muslim Who Rammed 18 People With Car Has ‘No Link to Terror’

The Mental Issues he has is Islam and demon possession as a result of Islam! The new convenient excuse that allows us all to ignore reality Paul Joseph Watson – The Muslim man who rammed a car into 18 people in Melbourne, Australia had “mental health issues,” an explanation that conveniently brushes aside any need … Click here to Read more

Buzzfeed Editor: ‘All I Want For Christmas Is Full Communism Now’

Communist governments responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths in 20th century Info Wars   BuzzfeedUK’s science editor Kelly Oakes has set her twitter account to private after declaring, “All I want for Christmas is full Communism now.” #BuzzFeed editor. Enough said. pic.twitter.com/zShnRtd7sO — James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) December 17, 2017 Oakes received swift backlash on … Click here to Read more

Jezebel Muslim Linda Sarsour: A “Good Muslim” Can’t Commit Sexual Assault

This Jezebel has a hotter position in the Lake of Fire if she keeps this up and does not repent and renounce Islam!  Jihad Watch – The facts at hand presumably speak for themselves, but a trifle more vulgarly, I suspect, than facts even usually do. Asmi Fathelbab, a former employee of the Arab American … Click here to Read more

Chickens come to Roost for God Hating Atheist

NBC Made Payment To Staffer After Sexual Harassment Claim Against Chris Matthews An MSNBC spokesman confirmed Saturday the company made a separation-related payment to one of Chris Matthews employees after the woman complained about sexual harassment. Two sources familiar with the situation told The Daily Caller that Matthews paid $40,000 to settle with an assistant … Click here to Read more

Trey Gowdy Slams Clinton Minion Rosenstein over Conflict of Interest in Russia Investigation

“Those that are supposed to make sure there are no conflicts of interest seem to have a bit of their own.” News Wars – Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy went off on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Wednesday during a House Judiciary hearing about the Robert Mueller Russia investigation. Gowdy points out, “The reason we have … Click here to Read more

Now we find out just Who is in Collusion with the Russians?

Report: Fusion GPS Used Ham Radio to Create Debunked Dossier?Did FBI Deputy Director McCabe cancel with House Intel Committee over Conflicts with Bruce and Nellie Ohr? WASHINGTON, D.C. – Nellie Ohr, the wife of demoted FBI official Bruce Ohr, not only worked for Fusion GPS, she is Russia-speaker with ties to the CIA who holds … Click here to Read more

High Level FBI Agents Discussed “Insurance Policy” to Stop Trump Winning the Election

“We can’t take that risk”. Paul Watson – Amidst the 10,000 text messages sent between anti-Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok and lawyer Lisa Page is a bizarre exchange revealing how the two, almost certainly with Deputy FBI Director Andy McCabe, discussed an “insurance policy” in case of Donald Trump winning the presidential election. “I want … Click here to Read more

California Burning

Proverbs 1:7 “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:31 “Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.” Psalms 2:4 “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.5 … Click here to Read more

Nasty Nancy Pelosi: “God is with us” on DACA

Yes Nasty Nancy, god Is with you! The “god” of this world system and his name is Satan! Grabien News – Trying her hand at prophesy, the House minority leader is now saying God is siding Democrats in its efforts to attach Deferred Action Against Childhood Arrivals (DACA) legislation to a House budget bill, an … Click here to Read more

What the HELL is going on? Lady DACA?

This one seems to have slipped under the radar! The Communist Democrats like her along with the Republican Swamp Creatures. Pro-Amnesty, Bush Bureaucrat with Ties to ‘Never Trump’ Movement Confirmed to Lead DHS Breitbart News – The United States Senate voted to confirm former President George W. Bush bureaucrat Kirstjen Nielsen to lead the Department … Click here to Read more