Mass Saudi Arrests in Corruption Crackdown and Discovery of Two New Sealed Indictments

The Dam Is Breaking On Hillary Clinton By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine Some huge news coming out this weekend, which ties directly into what may be the biggest scandal yet to hit Hillary and Bill Clinton directly on the heels of three major scandals in the last three weeks alone, including the Uranium … Click here to Read more

Breaking News: Former DNC chair Dirty Donna Brazile works for the Russians

Well, according to Crooked Hillary’s Campaign! Just like the Muslims they love and import, the dogs have finally turned and are attacking each other! PRAISE GOD! Hillary TOOK OVER the DNC according to Dirty Donna Brazile! Clinton Campaign Officials Made Her Feel Like “Patsey The Slave” Dirty Donna does not want to be Arkancided! Donna … Click here to Read more

Dirty Donna Brazile’s attempt to walk back ‘rigging’ bombshell gets blown up by her own book

Don’t ya just love a good comedy? I can’t wait till the end of the movie. But I think I have a good idea how it’s gonna end! Donna Brazile: Felt like a Slave and considered replacing Clinton with Biden as 2016 Democratic nominee Breaking News: Former DNC chair Dirty Donna Brazile works for the … Click here to Read more

Imam: I Warned De Blasio About NYC Terror; He Was Too Busy Bashing Trump

“He did nothing” Says the Imam Not sticking up for that scum bag De Blasio, but you can’t believe a Lying Muslim! They practice Taqiya, the art of Lying.  See below after story. Paul Joseph Watson – Imam Mohammad Tawhidi says he repeatedly warned New York Mayor Bill De Blasio about the terror threat in … Click here to Read more

Communist NY Times Ad Demands Antifa Revolution to Overthrow Trump

Coup against Trump ad appears in the failing Communist NY Times’ national edition Says Terror Attack was “Truck Attack” Communist Cult Members say it does not exist – Made up by Alex Jones! Kit Daniels – The New York Times published a full-page ad calling for a “revolution” to overthrow President Trump on Nov. 4. … Click here to Read more

Latino Victory Fund Pulls Ad After Muslim Runs Down New Yorkers In The Streets

Terrorist Abu Muhammad al-Adnani said in 2014. “If you are not able to find an IED or a bullet, then single out the disbelieving American, Frenchman, or any of their allies. Smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife, or run him over with your car, or throw him down from … Click here to Read more

Out of the Mouth of a Traitor: McCain, We must fight ‘propaganda and crackpot conspiracy theories’

One more feather in the Ass Clowns hat! Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) took aim at the current political environment, including apparent veiled swipes at President Trump, during a speech on Monday night. “We have to fight against propaganda and crackpot conspiracy theories. We have to fight isolationism, protectionism, and nativism. We have to defeat those who would … Click here to Read more

Twitter Bans Roger Stone: Allows Vicious Communists Leftists to Attack

Hypocrisy at its Finest! Social media platform once again proves it doesn’t respect the First Amendment of ALL people. Just the chosen few who embrace Communism. Jamie White | – Twitter banned political heavyweight Roger Stone after he ranted at CNN reporters Friday night, highlighting the social media platform’s double standard of punishing conservatives … Click here to Read more

JFK Files Prove US Gov’t Planned to Set Off Bombs Inside US, Kill Innocent People in Cuban False Flag

A damning document revealed in the JFK files that the US government planned to stage false flag attacks inside the United States to start a bogus war.   Free Thought Project  Miami, FL — In spite Donald Trump caving to the CIA and holding back hundreds of the classified files—which the government had 50 years … Click here to Read more

The Bastards are Busted and now the Crooks Clam up on the Las Vegas False Flag Inside Job

Authorities put brakes on information flow in Las Vegas shooting Review Journal – […..] Las Vegas police were hosting multiple news conferences a day. Then, once a day. Then, once every few days. They compiled and released snippets of officers’ body camera footage. They spent several minutes answering specific questions. They released a comprehensive timeline, … Click here to Read more