FBI Paid $100K for Fake Trump Dossier during Election

Traitor John McCain helped Broker Classified Deal With Comey

True Pundit – FBI insiders say fired FBI Director James Comey and Andrew McCabe, deputy FBI director, used Bureau funds to underwrite the controversial dossier on President Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election, sources confirm.

And the deal to dig dirt on a presidential candidate was put together with the help of Sen. John McCain, sources said.

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Homosexual Customs Officers Arrested after Sexually Assaulting Coworkers at Airport

Daily Sheeple – Three Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers were arrested Wednesday for allegedly forcing two colleagues to engage sexual acts during work at the Newark Liberty Airport.

Officers Tito Catota, 38, Parmenio I. Perez, 40, and Michael A. Papagni, 32, allegedly strong armed two male colleagues into hazing rituals, and are charged with forcibly assaulting, intimidating, and interfering with their coworkers, reports Shore News Network.

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Top Scientist Admits to Weather Modification on CBS

Respected physicist, Dr. Michio Kaku, exposes the science of geo-engineering to the mainstream masses in a CBS interview. We’re Firing Trillion Watt Lasers into the Sky”

Free Thought Project – In the aftermath of the devastation wrought by Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma, and Hurricane Jose brewing in the Atlantic, many people are looking for answers as to the increasingly volatile weather being witnessed.

And while climate change is one potential cause, there are other lesser known activities that could potentially be playing a role in the manifestation of these weather anomalies.

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Lawsuit Shows Saudi Arabia Funded a “Dry Run” for 9/11 a full 2 Years Before the Attacks

A lawsuit filed against Saudi Arabia for their role in 9/11 has produced evidence of the Saudis conducting a dry run for the attacks two years prior to 9/11.

Free Thought Project – New York, NY — For the first time since that fateful September morning 16 years ago, families of victims of the 9/11 terror attacks are using a new law and are going after Saudi Arabia in lawsuits for their role in the attacks. New evidence in one major lawsuit now reveals the Saudi Arabian embassy in Washington may have funded a “dry run” for the hijackings carried out by two Saudi employees.

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Pay-to-play: 70% of Rahm Emanuel donors received lucrative contracts

Dirty Democrat Rahm Emanuel Beating the Clinton’s at their own gameZero Hedge via Infowars – What do you get when you combine the most corrupt city in the United States with a mayor that got his political debut serving in the Clinton White House? Well, according to data presented by the Chicago Tribune today, it may just all add up to the second most sophisticated ‘pay-to-play’ operation in history…you know, because no one will ever come close to beating the Clintons at their own game.

After reviewing more than 500 contributions made to Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel of at least $5,000 since July 2015, the Tribune reports today that nearly 70% of them came from people who have received, or are seeking, lucrative contracts with City Hall. Frankly, we are ‘shocked.’

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The True Nature of the Fox!

Fox News Endorses and Bankrolls Major LGBTQ Convention

Hagmann Report – This weekend in Philadelphia, a four-day long convention of LGBTQ ( lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, queer) activists is meeting with leading mainstream journalists and corporate media producers and executives, some of them straight. The stated purpose is to influence mainstream reporting on issues close to the heart of the LGBTQ activist community. The issues include same sex marriage, transgenders in the military, isolating conservative religious groups as hate mongers, and even how to cover President Donald Trump. Incredibly, the journalists are there not to report on the event – but to be enthusiastic participants while their employers help to pay for it.

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Out-of-state voters may have swung New Hampshire for Democrats

World Net Daily – The discovery that more than 6,000 people used out-of-state driver’s licenses to vote in New Hampshire last November bolsters Donald Trump’s claim he lost the state because thousands of Massachusetts residents came in to vote. Trump claimed in February that out-of-state voters tipped the New Hampshire election, both against him and … Click here to Read more

Dirty Debbie Schultz may be the Scapegoat for the DNC

Police Report Indicates Wasserman Schultz IT Aide Planted Computer For Investigators To Find

From The Daily Caller:

A laptop that Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has frantically fought to keep prosecutors from examining may have been planted for police to find by her since-indicted staffer, Imran Awan, along with a letter to the U.S. Attorney.

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Police State in the Virgin Islands

National Guard to Seize Guns and Ammo ahead of Hurricane Irma

U.S. Virgin Islands Gov. Kenneth Mapp signed an emergency order allowing the seizure of private guns, ammunition, explosives and property the National Guard may need to respond to Hurricane Irma.

Mapp signed the order Monday in preparation for Hurricane Irma. The order allows the Adjutant General of the Virgin Islands to seize private property they believe necessary to protect the islands, subject to approval by the territory’s Justice Department.

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John McCain’s Wicked Heart

Jesse Lee Peterson exposes senator who ‘fooled public, pretended to be Republican’ World Net Daily – Sen. John McCain is at it again! Sen. McCain recently wrote a scathing column for the Washington Post attacking President Donald Trump as “poorly informed” and “impulsive.” McCain stated, “We are not his subordinates. … we don’t answer to … Click here to Read more