Al Climate Hoax Gore’s House Consumes 34 Times more Electricity than the Average U.S. Household

Daily Caller – On Friday, Al Gore’s sequel to “An Inconvenient Truth” – “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power” – arrives in movie theaters across the country. But there’s another inconvenient sequel worth noting and, like most sequels, this one is even worse than the original. Gore’s hypocritical home energy use and “do as I … Click here to Read more

Biggest News Since Watergate: Not a single MSM outlet will cover the story!

Seymour Hersh Confirms Seth Rich was the DNC Leaker!

Paul Joseph Watson | The mainstream media is completely blacklisting any mention of the bombshell revelations by investigative reporter Seymour Hersh about murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich, in which Hersh explained how Rich was Wikileaks’ source for the DNC leak and how the “Russian hacking” story was completely concocted by former CIA director John Brennan.

In an audio tape obtained by Big League Politics, Hersh says he saw an FBI report leaked to him by an insider which confirms that Rich had contacted Wikileaks with sample emails from the DNC leak and asked for payment for the full data dump.

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Dirty Debbie’s Brother is in Charge of the Awan Investigation

CSS – A member of Congress, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, has had her #1 IT employee arrested attempting to flee the country. This is huge news in and unto itself. Adding fuel to the fire is that this employee was working on the controversial emails related to DNC voter fraud. This brings in the Seth Rich Murder. This is bigger than Watergate!

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John “WetStart” McCain is a Cancerous Tumor in the Senate and is No Hero

McCain all by himself nearly sank a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier…

Via Lew Rockwell – McCain, when a Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy was a Navy pilot (they call themselves aviators). July 29, 1967 while on the deck and in his plane on the carrier U.S.S. Forrestal he managed to screw up procedures (officially denied and covered up by him and the Navy and also even promoted on Wikipedia if you care to look–reason to follow). He did a smart ass punk attention getting trick by doing a “wet start” up of his jet.

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Muslim screaming Allahu Akbar kills one person and injures several others in Hamburg

A man (They just can’t bring themselves to say Muslim Terrorist) wielding a large kitchen knife killed one and wounded four others after storming into a supermarket in the German city of Hamburg. The attacker is reported to have screamed ‘Allahu Akbar’ before running into the Edeka shop where he stabbed one person and slashed … Click here to Read more

Illegal Alien who was Deported Twenty Times Arrested for Sexually Assaulting 65 Year Old Woman in Portland

He then went on to assault another woman and commit multiple break-ins before finally being caught while running from police

Chris Menahan | Information Liberation – An illegal immigrant from Mexico who has been deported 20 times was arrested Monday night in the sanctuary city of Portland for allegedly breaking into a 65-year-old woman’s home, tying her up, sexually assaulting her, threatening to kill her and stealing her car.

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Dirty Debbie Wasserman Schultz Obstructed National Security

RNC Chair: “We need to figure out why he’s under criminal investigation”

Jamie White | RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel warned that the scandal involving Rep. Wasserman Shultz’s IT staffer smashing hard drives and trying to flee the country isn’t being covered by the media and must be looked into.

“[Wasserman Schultz] kept him on her staff. He was a taxpayer-funded government employee until yesterday when she finally fired him,” McDaniel said in a Fox Business Network interview on Wednesday.

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