Here are your High Level Creatures from BOTH Ends of the Swamp!

Jared, Ivanka, Conway, Dina Powell Spotted at Hamptons Party with Soros, Schumer, Fake News Journos

Breitbart News – While most Americans were working and looking forward to hot dogs and fireworks on the Fourth of July some Hollywood celebs, media types and political operatives — including some in President Donald Trump’s inner circle — were partying at the tony Southhampton home of Washington Post owner/editor Lally Graham Weymouth this weekend.

According to Politico’s Playbook — which issued one correction on its piece about misidentifying the Koch brother who attended — a wide range of people were invited — and accepted the invitation — to Weymouth’s annual summer party, Politico Playbook reported on Sunday.

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CNN can’t report real news so they resort to Elmo’s “wonderful trip” to Refugee Camps

“Elmo thinks it’s important to know that everybody is the same deep down and that’s very important.”

It figures the Communist News Network would buddy up with Elmo because he was once a Homosexual, and CNN LOVES Homosexuals!

Three lawsuits alleging sex abuse by Kevin Clash, the puppeteer who gave Sesame Street’s Elmo his voice, were dismissed by a judge who ruled the accusers waited too long to sue.

Each accuser, all adult men, said they were courted and seduced by Clash when they were underage teenagers.

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POOP found in Starbucks Products

BUSINESS INSIDER It’s hard to match the refreshing taste of an iced coffee on a hot summer day — but a new BBC investigation may make you think twice before you order a chilled drink.

The BBC’s consumer-affairs “Watchdog” program found that samples of iced drinks from Starbucks and two other UK chains — Costa Coffee and Caffe Nero — contained “varying levels of the bacteria.”

Along with the ice, researchers also studied the cleanliness of tables, trays, and high chairs at 30 of the coffee-chain branches. Read the full story here.

Now why is POOP being found in the Coffee? Stay with me for a couple minutes!

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Restaurant Chain gets massive fine for Vetting Illegals

Panda Express ‘too careful’ in quest to hire only legal residents

The saying “Damned if you do, Damned if you don’t” is harsh reality for Panda Express. They follow the law that says they can’t employ illegals, and when they check to see if they are illegal, they get punished by the Communists in charge!

Isaiah 5:20 “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

WND – The U.S. Department of Justice announced Wednesday it reached a settlement agreement with Panda Restaurant Group Inc., a chain of more than 1,800 Chinese-cuisine restaurants the DOJ accuses of discriminating against non-U.S. citizens in its hiring practices.

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McCain Institute Refuses to Disclose Big Donations

What is the RINO Traitor John McCain hiding?

Daily Caller – McCain Institute for International Leadership executives refuse to disclose how much money big donors have contributed to the nonprofit that’s named after Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain, The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group has learned.

McCain was the architect of the landmark Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 — more popularly known as “McCain-Feingold” — that required public disclosure of all contributions of at least $250 in federal elections. Former Wisconsin Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold co-sponsored the measure with McCain.

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Judge Andrew Napolitano: Former Attorney General Lynch could Face 5-10 Years in Prison

Senate probes improper communication between former AG and Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Adan Salazar | – Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch could be jailed for up to ten years if found guilty of misconduct, Judge Andrew Napolitano claimed Monday.

If emails exist between Lynch and former DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz improperly discussing the Clinton email investigation, the former attorney general could be charged with “misconduct in office,” a felony carrying five to ten years in jail, the Fox Business contributor stated.

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ScapeGoat’s out at Fake News CNN while the Judas Goat takes over the rest of the Grazing Herd

There are STILL a lot of undesirables lurking the halls at the Communist News Network, CNN (see below). More of the same infest all of the major news outlets,  (who are CIA Spooks in my opinion), that need to be outed and sent on their way into the wilderness!  Expose these no good traitorous bastards as much as possible. The only way to make a cockroach flee is to shine the light on it!

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Fusion GPS: A group of Communist Democrats behind the spread of Fake Russian Collusion Info!

I am sure the money and worm trail will lead back to George Soros, John Podesta and other Worms in the Clinton Criminal Cabal! Probably CIA Scum also

NY Post – A secretive Washington firm that commissioned the dubious intelligence dossier on Donald Trump is stonewalling congressional investigators trying to learn more about its connections to the Democratic Party.

The Senate Judiciary Committee earlier this month threatened to subpoena the firm, Fusion GPS, after it refused to answer questions and provide records to the panel identifying who financed the error-ridden dossier, which was circulated during the election and has sparked much of the Russia scandal now engulfing the White House.

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