Who Meddles? State Department finally admits the US Government Planned 1953 Iranian Coup

The newly declassified documents show the Central Intelligence Agency’s role in preparing for the 1953 coup that led to the overthrow Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadeq.

The State Department has released a trove of documents that give insight into the CIA’s role in the 1953 coup d’état that led to the overthrow of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadeq.

The newly declassified documents, titled “Foreign Relations of the United States, 1952-1954, Iran, 1951–1954,” provide a notable difference from the State Department’s 1989 version of the coup, which left out any involvement from American and British intelligence.

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Whistle Blower: Ongoing Child Trafficking Cover Up at the State Department

Says Deep State is in Control!  Most of the Clinton/Obama trash is still in there.

Is Rex Tillerson one of the Pedophile Elites? You don’t become the head of a major company with power and not take advantage of that position and power!

Common Sense Show – Did you know that at the State Department they have an exorbitantly paid employee, of Middle East background, who is in charge of the sex-trafficking brochures for the State Department? Did you know that same person refuses to cover this issue as domestic issue? This plays right into the hands of the Deep State cover-up of their child-sex-trafficking practices at the highest levels of government? This is tantamount to overtly supporting and covering up child-sex-trafficking and the State Department is the willing accomplice. Did you also know that the State Department has 3 men, led by Deep State minion and close Obama ally, Larry Palmer, who controls all information coming in and out of the State Department and they control the FOIA’s for the State Department as well.

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Crazed Killer carried a KILL LIST of House Freedom Caucus Members in Pocket

Proof the Communist Democrat Cult Member attack was not random, but premeditated and selective Murder.

I wonder if he was Programmed and on Mind Altering Drugs as so many other wacko killers were?

WND – James T. Hodgkinson, the progressive  Communist Democrat Cult Member who shot and wounded five people Wednesday at a congressional baseball practice, carried with him a list of Republicans he wanted to assassinate, according to a new report citing sources close to the investigation.

Hodgkinson, a 66-year-old home inspector and activist who volunteered on the presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders, took a rifle and a pistol and dozens of rounds of ammo to Simpson Park in Alexandria, Virginia, Wednesday morning. Shortly after 7 a.m., he began shooting at a group of congressmen and their aides who were in the middle of a practice session. They were practicing for the annual charity baseball game to be played the next day, on Thursday, at National’s Field, which is a 100-year-old tradition in Washington.

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Children Tramatized when Cops hold Mock Child Sex Trafficking Drill never saying It’s A Drill

Orange County, FL — The Florida Highway Patrol is reviewing its presence at the Girls State Program after troopers conducted a kidnapping/human trafficking drill which went “horribly wrong” according to WFTV News Channel 9.

The girl’s program is attended by some of best and brightest high-schoolers Florida has to offer. “Everyone who’s going is at the top of their class,” Cameron Carlyle said describing the high-quality candidates who attend the elite leadership camp. But no amount of education could have prepared the girls for what happened on the last night of their training.

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Texas will NOT have Sharia Law

Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed into law House Bill 45, more commonly known as “American Laws for American Courts,” or ALAC.

It prohibits the use of any foreign law in the state’s courts, specifically in family cases that involve marriage or parent-child relationship matters.

One of the bill’s co-authors Representative Jeff Leach (R-Plano) thanked the governor, who signed HB 45 on Wednesday. Leach called the law “vitally important bill to further safeguard and protect our Constitutional rights!” In the last legislative session, Leach authored the comparable yet unsuccessful ALAC measure, House Bill 562.

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Terrorists at Huffington Post hide Article Pushing “Execution” of Trump and GOP Leadership

Shooter attempts massacre of Republicans days after Communist HuffPo piece

Dan Lyman | Infowars.com – The HuffPost has removed an article that called for President Donald Trump to be executed, along with all members of his administration and GOP leadership who are complicit in advancing his agenda centered around national security and economic prosperity.The now-deleted piece was published on June 11 – just days before domestic terrorist James Hodgkinson attempted to massacre dozens of GOP lawmakers during an early morning baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia.

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FBI, Coast Guard And Hazmat Teams Deployed In Search For Radioactive Dirty Bomb

This same  scenario played out in 2006 which I was part of in Texas City Texas. That info is below this story.

Emergency service units responded to the threat of a radioactive dirty bomb in Charleston, South Carolina Wednesday night

Mac Slavo SHTFplan.comEmergency service units responded to the threat of a radioactive dirty bomb in Charleston, South Carolina Wednesday night.

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Democrat can’t Resist and Calls for more Gun Control

You just knew it would happen, One of the rabid Leftists could not wait even 24 hours to call for more Gun Control. It took one of the most vial and corrupt to strike. Yea it is a Clinton Operative. Why you ask? They are Communist Democratic Cult Members… it’s what they do!

The New American – Congressional Democrats who were practicing for Thursday night’s game with Republicans near the field where House Majority Whip Steve Scalise was shot gathered to pray for their colleagues. A photo posted on social media by Representative Ruben Kihuen (D-Nev.) shows about 25 of them huddled together in their dugout with their heads bowed. Kihuen posted this comment along with the photo: “Me [sic] and my House Democrat colleagues saying a prayer for our House Republicans and Senate GOP baseball colleagues after hearing about this morning’s horrific shooting at their practice field.”

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Five Government Officials Indicted for Manslaughter over Flint Water Crisis

Flint, MI — (RT) Michigan’s attorney general has filed new, more serious charges of involuntary manslaughter against five officials in the Flint Water Crisis investigation, among them the head of Michigan’s health department.

Heath chief Nick Lyon was charged with two felonies, involuntary manslaughter and misconduct in office, for failing to alert the public about an outbreak in Legionnaires’ disease in the Flint area, according to AP.

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