Comey fingers Loretta Lynch: Pressured Me Over Clinton Investigation

It was the Obama administration, not Trump, obstructing justice

Jamie White |  – Former FBI Director James Comey said that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch asked him to minimize the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails by not calling it an investigation.

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Eric Holders DOJ accused of cover-up in Fast and Furious Gun Running

Report slams ex-AG for obstruction in gun-running scandal FOX NEWS – The House Oversight Committee released a scathing report Wednesday that accuses former Attorney General Eric Holder and his Department of Justice of covering up Operation Fast and Furious and misleading Congress’ investigation into the botched gun-running operation. The nearly 300-page report states that the … Click here to Read more

Black Lives Matter Bimbo Activist has Racist Tirade on Tucker Carlson: ‘Boo-Hoo White People’

‘If you don’t like people excluding others on the basis of their race… then why are you doing it?

Kelen McBreen | – Tucker Carlson recently invited political activist and Black Lives Matter supporter Lisa Durden onto his program to explain why a BLM Memorial Day event in New York City was for “blacks only”.

To start the interview Tucker said, “I was confused by this, I thought the whole point of Black Lives matter was to speak out against singling people out on the basis of their race and punishing them for that.”

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Attorney General Sessions Ends Obama’s DOJ Slush Fund For Far-Left Groups

Program funded radical far-left organizations like La Raza

Clifford Cunningham | Attorney General Jeff Sessions has ended an Obama-era program allowing prosecutors to force companies to make payouts to political groups as part of settlement agreements, a program lambasted by Republicans as a slush fund for far-left groups.

In a memo addressed to 94 United States Attorneys’ offices, Sessions indicated he was ending the practice allowing companies to meet the terms of settlement agreements by donating money to organizations that were neither victims nor parties to the case, arguing the money should be donated to the victims in the case or the U.S. Treasury instead.

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Third London jihad murderer told Italian police: “I’m going to be a terrorist,” had no trouble entering UK

“After the airport stop, Italy’s Internal Intelligence Service passed on details to the liaison officer for the U.K.’s foreign security agency — MI6 — in Italy, who also relayed the information to the U.K.’s domestic security agency MI5….After an argument, he left to live with his mother in Italy. At that point he began flying regularly between London and Bologna.”

Despite his statement and his jihad terror ties, he evidently had no trouble getting into Britain. Britain only keeps out foes of jihad terror.

“Third London attacker told Italian police: ‘I’m going to be a terrorist,’” by Giulia Paravicini, Politico, June 6, 2017:

The Moroccan-Italian man who has been identified as the third London attacker told Italian authorities “I’m going to be a terrorist,” when he was stopped at Bologna Airport last year, an Italian security official told POLITICO.

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Comey Lied to Congress About NSA Mass Surveillance of U.S. Citizens

Citizens include Donald Trump and Alex Jones

Jerome Corsi | – WASHINGTON, D.C. – The decision of a federal court to take the case of former contractor Dennis Montgomery advances the story reported in March that the National Security Agency illegally conducted surveillance of potentially millions of citizens for years, with a database that suggests both Donald J. Trump and Alex Jones were under unauthorized government monitoring.

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If We Don’t Fight For It, The Liberal World Order Is Going To Kill Our Way Of Life

There comes a time when it becomes necessary to draw a line in the sand Michael Snyder – There comes a time when it becomes necessary to draw a line in the sand. When the early settlers came to America, they were desperate to find a place where they could live in freedom.  And our … Click here to Read more

Ramadan Londonistan: Nursery Worker Stabbed In Broad Daylight by Female Trio Yelling “Allah will get you”

Police are not treating stabbing as terrorism

Karrien Stevens, who runs Little Diamonds nursery in Hermon Hill, London confirmed that a member of staff, aged in her 30s, was slashed by three women while on her way to work this morning.

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Clinton Operative James Comey Planted Inside FBI as Fixer for the Clinton’s

Traitor and Former FBI Director James Comey made sure the Crooked Clinton’s were never prosecuted!

Jerome Corsi | Infowars – WASHINGTON, D.C. – FBI Director James Comey is a Clinton-fixer with a long history of running interference within the Department of Justice to make sure the Clintons are never prosecuted – a loyalty that the Clintons have repaid in corporate board appointments that have earned Comey millions of dollars.

Early encounters: Whitewater and Marc Rich

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Crooked Hillary being gently placed under the Bus: Deal being made with Trump Administration?

Dave Hodges – They say that little things come in small packages. This will be one of the most concise and condensed articles that I have ever written. However, it may prove to be one of the most important I have written, since I broke the Benghazi mutiny story almost 5 years ago.

Hillary Clinton Is Being Offered Up As a Sacrifice by the Deep State

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Hillary: The Way to Stop Terrorism is to “Understand” Other Cultures & Their Food

If you thought Hillary Clinton would stop talking any time soon then think again.

Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet – The defeated presidential candidate told a fundraiser for a youth program that the best way to stop terrorism was to “understand” other cultures and their food.

Yes, really.

Hillary defended London Mayor Sadiq Khan, the man who once represented 9/11 Al-Qaeda member Zacarias Moussaoui, called moderate Muslims “Uncle Toms” and said terrorism was “part and parcel” of living in a major city.

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